touch_start(integer num_detected)
event is raised when an
agent first touches the
object the
script is
attached to. The number of touching agents is passed to the script in the
num_detected parameter. Information on those objects may be gathered via the
llDetected* functions.
Event: | Triggered: | Triggered multiple times: |
touch() | while a user is clicking on the object. | YES |
touch_start() | when a user starts clicking on the object. | NO |
touch_end() | when a user stops clicking on the object. | NO |
- "Touch" means "click on", not "collide with"; to deal with collisions, use the collision, collision_start, and collision_end events.
- A script containing a touch, touch_start, or touch_end event may be subject to "prim drift" caused by the user dragging the object when they mean to click it. To avoid this, use llSetStatus(STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, TRUE) to block grabs, or see below.
- This kind of drift happens if the script changes state while the mouse button is down and the new state does not have any of the 3 touch event handlers. Adding a handler that does nothing to these states also avoids the problem, while still allowing the user to control-drag the object.
- The "NO" in the table above is inaccurate. Your script can get multiple touch_start or touch_end events on a single mouse click. Go figure! This happens with some mice but not others, and is probably mouse driver related.
- If you call for a state change in the touch_start event, you can trigger a touch_start event in the new state if your finger is still on the mouse button when the new state is actived. Avoid this by using the touch_end event to trigger the state change.
See also the
llSetTouchText and
llPassTouches functions.
Q: I see a lot of llDetected*(0), which seems like hacky laziness since even though this is a singular event and so unlikely to coincide, it seems possible for two touch starts to be described in a single event. Does it work that way?
A: Yes, multiple touches can be combined into a single event, but since this is rare you can get away with just checking index 0. When you suspect things get clicked a lot and close together, such as perhaps in competitive games, you should use a for or while loop to step though all the avatar references.
Q: Why you can't touch objects attached to somebody else?
A: As of 1.12 you can
Q: how to code so only the touchable object's owner can touch it?
A: Use a For loop and compare llDetectedKey to llGetOwner
Q: How the owner can script the touchable object to only allow specific people to touch it?
A: Use a For loop and use llDetectedName to compare to a list of names using llListFindList
Q: How to prevent inappropriate invisible touchable objects in PG sims?
A: Use llRequestSimulatorData.
You can also time how long the touch went for with this quick hack:
This is a very dirty way of doing it! I highly advise using Time calculations instead by noting the current timestamp at the start of the touch and comparing it with the timestamp at the end. - EthariHallstrom