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LSL Wiki : llDetectedOwner

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key llDetectedOwner(integer number)

Returns the key of the owner of detected object number (returns NULL_KEY if number is not valid sensed object).

Note: The llDetected* functions will only return a meaningful value in the collision(), collision_start(), collision_end(), sensor(), touch(), touch_start(), or touch_end() events.

Note: llDetectedOwner returns a NULL_KEY if the detected object is deeded to a group. This is the only way to discover that a sensed object is deeded and a dataserver request with llRequestAgentData for more info will definitively time out. Nevertheless llGetOwnerKey returns a unique key for a group-owned object.

Note: llDetectedOwner(0) is the same as llGetOwnerKey(llDetectedKey(0)) only if the detected object is in the same region.

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