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ZenMondo Wormser styles himself a code poet.

// Caledon Library Book Server 2.61 by ZenMondo Wormser
// Developed for Caledon Library System
//  Takes a patron to an aetheric address to read
//  a book or chapter of a book.
//  The Titles and URLs are stored on a configuration notecard.
// The Format of the notecard is as follows
//  A Line with the Title of the book or chapter,
//  followed by a line with the URL of the book or chapter.
//  The notecard can be named anything, I suggesst descriptive names such as
//  "The Book of Houshold Management by Mrs. Isabella Beeton"  and not something
//  vaugue such as "urls".
//  A book or object containing this script is limited to one reader at a time.

// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share 
// Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit 
// or send a letter to Creative 
// Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
// Attribution: 
//  If unmodified you must keep the filename intact
//  If a derivative work you must say "Based on the CodePoetry of ZenMondo Wormser"

//Global Variables
integer position = 0;
string notecard;
key query;

integer handle;
integer UserChan = 11811;

integer titleCounter = 0;
list titleData = [];
list urlData = [];

integer menuPage;
integer lastMenu;

key currentPatron = NULL_KEY;
integer reading = FALSE;


//Compact function to put buttons in "correct" human-readable order ~ Redux
//Taken from /lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llDialog
list order_buttons(list buttons)
    return llList2List(buttons, -3, -1) + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4) + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7) + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10);

//Function to Display the pages of the Menu
// Instead of defining my menus ahead of time
// (and in so doing putting a limit on the number of items)
// I build the pages of the menu dynamicaly
DisplayMenuPage(key id)
    //These are the buttons, they will be numbers
    // Based on what page of the menu we are on.
    string b1 = (string) (menuPage *9 +1);
    string b2 = (string) (menuPage *9 +2);
    string b3 = (string) (menuPage *9 +3);
    string b4 = (string) (menuPage *9 +4);
    string b5 = (string) (menuPage *9 +5);
    string b6 = (string) (menuPage *9 +6);
    string b7 = (string) (menuPage *9 +7);
    string b8 = (string) (menuPage *9 +8);
    string b9 = (string) (menuPage *9 +9);
    list menu = [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, "<<PREV", "Bibl.", "NEXT>>"]; //will use the order_buttons function to put these in a good order for llDialog
    list menu_text = llList2List(titleData, menuPage * 9, menuPage * 9  + 8); //This is the part of the list for menu text for this page.
    integer menu_length = llGetListLength(menu_text);
    if(menu_length < 9) //Don't Need all the buttons
        menu = llDeleteSubList(menu, menu_length, 8); //Trim the menu buttons
    llDialog(id, llDumpList2String(menu_text, "\n"), order_buttons(menu), UserChan); //Display the Menu

        menuPage = 0;
        UserChan = -((integer)llFrand(2147483646.0) + 1); //Choose a random  negative channel to use to aoid crossttalk with other books
       notecard = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, 0);
       if(llGetInventoryType(notecard) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
            llWhisper(0, "Reading Configuration Notecard.");
            query = llGetNotecardLine(notecard, position);
            llWhisper(0, "Configuration notecard is not present in the object's inventory.");

    touch_start(integer total_number)
       if(reading) //Book in use
            if(currentPatron != llDetectedKey(0))
                //Communicate using llDialog we are in a library after all
                // and its even quieter than a whisper.
                llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "I'm sorry another patron is reading me at this time, please wait a moment and try again.", ["OK"], 1181111811); 
            else // Our reader
                DisplayMenuPage(currentPatron); //Give the menu again but not more time
                                                // This is in case they accidently hit "ignore"
        else //Book is available and ready for use
            currentPatron = llDetectedKey(0);
            reading = TRUE;
            handle = llListen(UserChan, "", currentPatron, "");
            llSetTimerEvent(90); //90 Second limit to make a choice or reset if walk away
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(message == "Bibl.") //Give them the notecard and they can look up the URLS on thier own
            llGiveInventory(id, notecard);
            //We will assume they are done, as another menu would obstruct the dialog
            // To accept the notecard from the book.
            reading = FALSE;
            currentPatron = NULL_KEY;
            menuPage = 0; 
        else if(message == "<<PREV")
            if(menuPage == -1)
                menuPage = lastMenu;
        else if(message == "NEXT>>")
            if(menuPage > lastMenu)
                menuPage = 0;
        else //Patron Chose a Number
            integer GoUrl = (integer) message;
            GoUrl--; //Humans like to count from 1, but computers like 0 better.    
            llLoadURL(currentPatron, "Would you like to visit the aetheric version of " + llList2String(titleData, GoUrl) + "?", llList2String(urlData, GoUrl));
            reading = FALSE;
            currentPatron = NULL_KEY;
            menuPage = 0;

        llDialog(currentPatron, "I'm sorry time has expired to make a menu choice." , ["OK"], 1181111811);
        reading = FALSE;
        currentPatron = NULL_KEY;
        menuPage = 0;   
    changed(integer change)
        if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) 
            //asuming the notecard has been edited or swapped out. If it wasn't that,

    dataserver(key request, string data)
        if(query == request)
            if(data == EOF) //Then end of the notecard 
                if(titleCounter % 9 == 0) //Multiples of 9 won't round down right.
                lastMenu = llFloor(titleCounter / 9.0);  //How Many Pages of Menus we will use
                llWhisper(0, "Ready");
                //End of notecard!
                //Do something with the data
                if (position % 2) // These lines 1,3,5,7... and so on will be URLs
                    urlData += (list)(data);
                    titleData += (list)((string)(++titleCounter) + ") " + data);
                //llSay(0, "Added " + data +" to access list.");
                //Increase the position variable and
                //Continue reading the next lines.
                query = llGetNotecardLine(notecard, position);
    on_rez(integer start_param)

// ZenMondo's Object Giver 2.21 by ZenMondo Wormser
// Developed for Caledon Library System
// Menu-Driven Item Giver.
// Can be Used by one person at a time.

// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share 
// Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit 
// or send a letter to Creative 
// Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
// Attribution: 
//  If unmodified you must keep the filename intact
//  If a derivative work you must say "Based on the CodePoetry of ZenMondo Wormser"

//Global Variables

//Folder Name for when patron selects "Get All"
string folder_name = "From the Caledon Library";

//Text that will float over object
string float_text = "From the Caledon Libary\n Pray, touch and receive.";

integer object_counter=0;
list inventory_list = [];
list menu_list = [];

integer menu_page;
integer last_menu;

integer handle;
integer UserChan = -11811;

key current_user = NULL_KEY;

integer using;


//Compact function to put buttons in "correct" human-readable order ~ Redux
//Taken from /lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llDialog
list order_buttons(list buttons)
    return llList2List(buttons, -3, -1) + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4) + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7) + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10);

//Function to Build the two lists we will use
// Could have put it all in state_entry but may be a handy function
// to use in another similar script so I put it here.
    integer counter=0;
    integer inventory_num = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
    while(counter < inventory_num)
        string object_name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, counter);
        inventory_list = (inventory_list=[]) + inventory_list + object_name;
        menu_list = (menu_list=[]) + menu_list + [(string) (++counter) + ")" + object_name];   //Incrimenting the the counter in this line.  Probably bad practice
                //But it solves two problems, incrimenting the counter in the loop
                // and making a human readale list startign at "1" instead of "0"

    if(counter % 9 == 0) //Multiples of 9 won't round down right.
    last_menu = llFloor(counter / 9.0); //I say 9.0 so it treats it like a float
                                        // and will round down correctly.

//Function to Display the pages of the Menu
// Instead of defining my menus ahead of time
// (and in so doing putting a limit on the number of items)
// I build the pages of the menu dynamicaly
DisplayMenu(key id)
    //These are the buttons, they will be numbers
    // Based on what page of the menu we are on.
    string b1 = (string) (menu_page *9 +1);
    string b2 = (string) (menu_page *9 +2);
    string b3 = (string) (menu_page *9 +3);
    string b4 = (string) (menu_page *9 +4);
    string b5 = (string) (menu_page *9 +5);
    string b6 = (string) (menu_page *9 +6);
    string b7 = (string) (menu_page *9 +7);
    string b8 = (string) (menu_page *9 +8);
    string b9 = (string) (menu_page *9 +9);
       list menu = [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, "<<PREV", "Get All", "NEXT>>"]; //will use the order_buttons function to put these in a good order for llDialog
    list menu_text = llList2List(menu_list, menu_page * 9, menu_page * 9  + 8); //This is the part of the list for menu text for this page.
    integer menu_length = llGetListLength(menu_text);
    if(menu_length < 9) //Don't Need all the buttons
        menu = llDeleteSubList(menu, menu_length, 8); //Trim the menu buttons
    llDialog(id, llDumpList2String(menu_text, "\n"), order_buttons(menu), UserChan); //Display the Menu

        menu_page = 0;
        UserChan = -((integer)llFrand(2147483646.0) + 1); //Choose a random  negative channel to use to avoid crossttalk with other books 

        llSetText(float_text, <0, 1, 1>, 1.0);

    touch_start(integer total_number)
    {if(using) //Object in use
            if(current_user != llDetectedKey(0))
                //Communicate using llDialog we are in a library after all
                // and its even quieter than a whisper.
                llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "I'm sorry another patron is using me at this time, please wait a moment and try again.", ["OK"], 1181111811); 
            else // Our user
                DisplayMenu(current_user); //Give the menu again but not more time
                                        // This is in case they accidently hit "ignore"
        else //Giver is available and ready for use
            current_user = llDetectedKey(0);
            using = TRUE;
            handle = llListen(UserChan, "", current_user, "");
            llSetTimerEvent(90); //90 Second limit to make a choice or reset if walk away
            llSetText("Currently in Use, \nplease wait a moment...", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(message == "Get All") //Give them all the contents
             llGiveInventoryList(current_user, folder_name, inventory_list);  
            //We will assume they are done, as another menu would obstruct the dialog
            // To accept the folder from the object.
            using = FALSE;
            current_user = NULL_KEY;
            menu_page = 0; 
            llSetText(float_text, <0, 1, 1>, 1.0);
        else if(message == "<<PREV")
            if(menu_page == -1)
                menu_page = last_menu;
        else if(message == "NEXT>>")
            if(menu_page > last_menu)
                menu_page = 0;
        else //Patron Chose a Number
            integer get_item = (integer) message;
            get_item--; //Humans like to count from 1, but computers like 0 better.    
            llGiveInventory(current_user, llList2String(inventory_list, get_item));
            using = FALSE;
            current_user = NULL_KEY;
            menu_page = 0;
            llSetText(float_text, <0, 1, 1>, 1.0);

        llDialog(current_user, "I'm sorry time has expired to make a menu choice." , ["OK"], 1181111811);
        using= FALSE;
        current_user = NULL_KEY;
        menu_page = 0; 
        llSetText(float_text, <0, 1, 1>, 1.0);  
    changed(integer change)
        if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) 

// ZenMondo's URL Go-to-er master 2.0 by ZenMondo Wormser
// Developed for Caledon Library System
//  Takes a patron to an aetheric address to read
//  a book or chapter of a book.
//  The Titles and URLs are stored on a configuration notecard.
// The Format of the notecard is as follows
//  A Line with the Title of the book or chapter,
//  followed by a line with the URL of the book or chapter.
//  The notecard can be named anything, I suggesst descriptive names such as
//  "The Book of Houshold Management by Mrs. Isabella Beeton"  and not something
//  vaugue such as "urls".
//  This script allows access to a maximum of 12 titles.
//  A book or object containing this script can be used by many simultaeneous users.
//  This script must be in the same prim as the script
//  ZenMondo's URL Go-to-er slave to work properly.

// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share 
// Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit 
// or send a letter to Creative 
// Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
// Attribution: 
//  If unmodified you must keep the filename intact
//  If a derivative work you must say "Based on the CodePoetry of ZenMondo Wormser"

integer position = 0;
string notecard;
key query;

integer handle;
integer UserChan = 11811;

integer titleCounter = 0;
list titleData = [];
list urlData = [];

list MENU = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7","8", "9", "10", "11", "12"];

//Compact function to put buttons in "correct" human-readable order ~ Redux
//Taken from /lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llDialog
list order_buttons(list buttons)
    return llList2List(buttons, -3, -1) + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4) + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7) + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10);

        UserChan = -((integer)llFrand(2147483646.0) + 1); 
        handle = llListen(UserChan, "", NULL_KEY, "");
        llListenControl(handle, FALSE);
        notecard = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, 0);
       if(llGetInventoryType(notecard) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
            llWhisper(0, "Reading Configuration Notecard.");
            query = llGetNotecardLine(notecard, position);
            llWhisper(0, "Configuration notecard is not present in the object's inventory.");

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        llListenControl(handle, TRUE);
        llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "Please choose a title\n" + llDumpList2String(titleData, "\n"), order_buttons(MENU), UserChan);
        llSetTimerEvent(60); //User has 60 seconds to make a choice then the listen goes away to be less laggy.
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       if (llListFindList(MENU , [message]) != -1)  // verify dialog choice
            llListenControl(handle, FALSE); //Turn off listen, we don't need it now.
            integer GoUrl = (integer) message;
            GoUrl--; //Humans like to count from 1, but computers like 0 better.
            string linkMessageString = "Would you like to visit the aetheric version of " + llList2String(titleData, GoUrl) + "?::" + llList2String(urlData, GoUrl);
            llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, linkMessageString, id); //Pass message and url to slave script to avoid 10 sec delay penalty.
        llListenControl(handle, FALSE);
        llWhisper(0, "I'm sorry time for a choice has expired.");
    changed(integer change)
        if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            llResetScript(); //We do this if the notecard is changed or edited to reload it.
    on_rez(integer start_param)

    dataserver(key request, string data)
        if(query == request)
            if(data == EOF || position == 24) //the end of the notecard or max titles
                if(titleCounter < 12) //Trim Menu
                    MENU = llDeleteSubList(MENU, titleCounter, 11); //Remove uneeded buttons.
                llWhisper(0, "Ready");
                //End of notecard!
                //Do something with the data
                if (position % 2) // These lines 1,3,5,7... and so on will be URLs
                    urlData += (list)(data);
                    titleData += (list)((string)(++titleCounter) + ") " + data);
                //llSay(0, "Added " + data +" to list.");
                //Increase the position variable and
                //Continue reading the next lines.
                query = llGetNotecardLine(notecard, position);

// ZenMondo's URL Go-to-er slave by ZenMondo Wormser
// Developed for Caledon Library System
//  Takes a patron to an aetheric address to read
//  a book or chapter of a book.
//  This script must be in the same prim as the script
//  ZenMondo's URL Go-to-er master to work properly.

// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share 
// Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit 
// or send a letter to Creative 
// Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
// Attribution: 
//  If unmodified you must keep the filename intact
//  If a derivative work you must say "Based on the CodePoetry of ZenMondo Wormser"

    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        //The message and url are passed from ZenMondo's URL Go-to-er master
        // Divided by a double colon (::) we split the string by dividing it
        // into two list elements then extracting them as strings.
        // id is the key of the patron making the request also passed from
        // ZenMondo's URL Go-to-er master.
        list cmds = llParseString2List(str, ["::"], []); 
        string message = llList2String(cmds, 0);
        string url = llList2String(cmds, 1);
        llLoadURL(id, message, url);

// Function GetNewInventoryName by ZenMondo Wormser
// This function returns a list of the names of 
// inventory items added to an object's inventory
// since the last time the function was called.
// This function works by keeping a list of inventory items
// and comparing against that list as inventory changes.
// NOTE: If items are deleted between calls and nothing is added
// this function will return an empty list.

list gOld_Inventory;    //This stores the Inventory since the last function call.
                        //It is global so it persists between function calls.
                        //It may also be handy to have a list of your object's inventory.

list GetNewInventoryName()
    list found_new = [];  //This list will contain the names of New Inventory items.
    integer inventory_type = INVENTORY_ALL; //Change to look at inventory type you want.
    integer inventory_num = llGetInventoryNumber(inventory_type);
    list new_inventory = []; //This list will contain the current inventory.
    integer counter = 0;
    while(counter < inventory_num)
        new_inventory = (new_inventory=[]) + new_inventory + llGetInventoryName(inventory_type, counter);
            counter ++;
    integer list_length = llGetListLength(new_inventory);
    counter = 0;
    list scratch;
    while(counter < list_length)
        scratch = llList2List(new_inventory, counter, counter);
        if(llListFindList(gOld_Inventory, scratch) == -1) //New Inventory Object
               found_new += llList2String(scratch,0); //Add the name of the new inventory item to the found_new list
        counter ++;
    gOld_Inventory = new_inventory; //Store the Inventory List to be compared the next time the function is called.
    return found_new;   //Return a list of the new inventory items.

        GetNewInventoryName(); //Populate the list on reset.

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        // Example Use in touch_start()
        // Because Multiple Items could have been
        // added between calls we work through 
        // the list that is retunred.
        list new_inv = GetNewInventoryName();
        llSay(0, "New Inventory Items:");
        integer list_len = llGetListLength(new_inv);
        integer counter;
        for(counter = 0; counter < list_len; counter++)
           llSay(0, llList2String(new_inv, counter));
    changed(integer mask)
        // Example Used in changed()
        // This is much simpler, as changed()
        // will be triggered each time something
        // is added to the object's inventory
        // resulting in only one result in the
        // returned list from GetNewInventoryName()
        if(mask & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            list new_inv = GetNewInventoryName();
            llSay(0, "New Inventory Item:" + llList2String(new_inv, 0));

A simple script to light up a prim in a linkset when touched, and unlight the last one touced using llSetLinkPrimitiveParams


    touch_start(integer total_number)
        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, TRUE]);

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