llSetLinkAlpha(integer linknumber, float alpha, integer face)
Sets the
side number
face on the
linked child linknumber to the transparency
face ==
ALL_SIDES, this function sets the alpha on all faces of the specified
prim(s). If
linknumber == LINK_SET, this function sets alpha on all prims in the link set (including the
task). This allows setting an entire
object in one
call rather than being forced to use a
for loop.
There is no "
llGetLinkAlpha" function. For that, use a script with
llGetAlpha in the specific prim, and communicate with your main script with
Link Messages.
Q: How do I determine which side of an object this applies to?
A: See side.
To set the alpha of the
current prim by itself, use
llSetAlpha (though
llSetLinkAlpha will still work).
To set the
color of other prims in the object, use
To set the
texture of other prims in the object, use
To set
any primitive parameters of other prims in the object, use
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related article at the LSL Portal is able to bring enlightenment.
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