The general rule of thumb with a wiki is that all formatting commands are double characters. Text formatting on the
LSL Wiki slightly differs from other wikis. Anything between two sets of double quotes ("
") is ignored and presented exactly as typed.
You can experiment with this in the
Basic Formatting
**bold text** | //italicized text// | __underlined__ text | ##monospace (10) text## | ''note'' |
bold text | italicized text | underlined text | monospace 10 text | note |
Remember! Those are apostrophes (
''), not quotation marks (") for creating
note text.
To create a link to another
WikiPage, use this: [[HomePage]] which renders:
To create a
new WikiPage, simply create a link to it. Clicking on that link will then send you to the new page, from where you can edit the page.
To create an anchor (a link to a section on the same page), use this:
=#thisisananchor#= - (this doesn't produce anything visible)
Then link to it using a link that contains a #, like this: [[#thisisananchor]] -
This may be the theory, but in practice it doesn't work -- it links to /lslwiki#thisisananchor! Your only option is to use the full url, including the #thisisananchor. The code to insert the anchor works correctly, though.
code examples can be placed in a scrollable text box. However, you usually do
not want to use these because they chew up a bunch of screen space and interrupt the flow of the document.
Monospace text works better for code examples. See the
Wiki Style Guide for further explanation.
%% Embed Code Here %%
llSay(0,"Hello Avatar!");
touch_start(integer touched)
You can specify the type of syntax highlighting by placing it in parentheses ( () ) after the initial %%. Currently, three types are supported,
code (the default),
php and
lsl (still experimental).
PHP Example:
%%(php) // php code here %%
echo 'Hello, World!'; //PHP code
LSL Example:
%%(lsl) // lsl code here %%
Write (?HHGG==Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?) to get
I'm confused as to what this does and what the point of it is, can someone explain? - Haz
Haz - this makes some browsers pop a tooltip up, expanding the acronym. - JillianCallahan
====== Really big header ======
Really big header
===== Rather big header =====
Rather big header
==== Medium header ====
Medium header
=== Not-so-big header ===
Not-so-big header
== Smallish header ==
Smallish header
The exception to the "always two characters" rule, tables are opened by three pipes (|||) followed by "0" for no border and/or "c" for center-justified columns. Table cells are seperated by two pipes (||). Tables are closed by three pipes again (|||).
border, left-justified:
||| **First Name** || **Last Name** || **Sim** || **Coordinates** ||
|| Catherine || Omega || Chartreuse || 90, 198 ||
|| Ryan || Linden || Bonifacio || 235, 250 |||
First Name | Last Name | Sim | Coordinates |
Catherine | Omega | Chartreuse | 90, 198 |
Ryan | Linden | Bonifacio | 235, 250 |
no border, left-justified:
|||0 **First Name** || **Last Name** || **Sim** || **Coordinates** ||
|| Catherine || Omega || Chartreuse || 90, 198 ||
|| Ryan || Linden || Bonifacio || 235, 250 |||
First Name | Last Name | Sim | Coordinates |
Catherine | Omega | Chartreuse | 90, 198 |
Ryan | Linden | Bonifacio | 235, 250 |
border, center-justified:
|||c **First Name** || **Last Name** || **Sim** || **Coordinates** ||
|| Catherine || Omega || Chartreuse || 90, 198 ||
|| Ryan || Linden || Bonifacio || 235, 250 |||
First Name | Last Name | Sim | Coordinates |
Catherine | Omega | Chartreuse | 90, 198 |
Ryan | Linden | Bonifacio | 235, 250 |
no border, center-justified:
|||0c **First Name** || **Last Name** || **Sim** || **Coordinates** ||
|| Catherine || Omega || Chartreuse || 90, 198 ||
|| Ryan || Linden || Bonifacio || 235, 250 |||
First Name | Last Name | Sim | Coordinates |
Catherine | Omega | Chartreuse | 90, 198 |
Ryan | Linden | Bonifacio | 235, 250 |
Remember to put a space after the closing "
|" or the next line after the table will get cut off.
Currently, nested tables are not something the LSL Wiki can do. If there's a need for it, it will be added.
To make a cell blank in a table and still have the table borders, put " " in the middle of four double quotes.
Horizontal Separators
Note: you must place this at the end of the last line before the separation (if you want to retain indentation) or the very beginning of the new line (if you want the separator to be as wide as the whole page). Otherwise, it results in a bullet and a line-break.
Use Full-Width Horizontal Line Separators Sparingly
Try to use the "----" full-width horizontal line separator (also called a linerule) only once per page to separate the bottom links from the rest of the page. Too many linerules are confusing and disorientating--like that used to be on this page. If in doubt, use this HTML to specify specific-width linerules:
"<hr width=50%>":
Forced Line Break (not visible)
Indents and Lists
Indent text by typing two tildes: "~~" or, if using Internet Explorer (IE) on Windows hit the Tab key. (Windows' IE is the only browser known where Tab indents in a textarea field.)
Indented, bulleted/numbered lists:
- bulleted list
- bulleted list
- Line two
- line 3
1) numbered list
- numbered list
- Line two
A) Using uppercase characters
- Using uppercase characters
- Line two
a) Using lowercase characters
- Using lowercase characters
- Line two
i) using Latin numbers
- using Latin numbers
- Line two
Entity Literals
Entering &lt; into the wiki actually displays the character <. To show the literal string &lt;, use &amp;lt;. Likewise for similar entities such as &gt; and so on.
Question: How do you delete a page or a comment?
Answer: See PageDeletion and CommentDeletion.
Question: How do you unwikiname a word?
Answer: Add two pair of double-quotes around the word.
Question: How do you get a pair of double-quotes (without any text between them) to display properly?
Answer: Escape them by placing an empty tag between them:
Question: How does WakkaWiki know to what URL to send a visitor to if it wasn't specified?
Answer: The link is to a forced WikiPage. That means a link to a page in this wiki is generated.
Question: How do you get advanced tables or images to show up in WakkaWiki?
Question: Is there a way to use scripting languages such as JavaScript in a Wiki page?
Answer: If you really think you need it, you can enter HTML directly by entering a pair of double-quotes ("") around the desired text like so:
""<img src="/lslwiki/foo.gif">""
There isn't currently a mechanism for uploading images to the wiki, though. If you need images, I recommend ASCII art. :-)
Answer: Yes you can use JavaScript for certain things. Me and Dolus used JavaScript for expand/collapse functions. (Actually I naffed it off Dolus but oh well...) - Haz
Question: How do you color text, other than a note?
Answer: There is a way. See the question above reguarding putting HTML tags directly in Wiki pages.
Nota bene: Use color sparingly. Use notes, italics and bold when you want to add emphasis.
LSL Wiki | Wiki Etiquette | Wiki Style Guide