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LSL Wiki : IfElse

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Execute some statement(s) if a condition is true, else some other statement(s) if it is false.

if (condition)

if (condition)
	other statements



There are no semicolons at the end of the conditional statement.

Incorrect Example
if (condition);

if (condition);

Using a semicolon after the if statement will cause the code inside the curly braces to execute regardless of the result of the conditional statement. The reason being that the semi-colon tricks the compile into thinking that the use wanted a single line conditional result (see below for an example) and not one with braces, the result of this being that the curly braces are treated as a sub-scope unassociated with the conditional.

if (llFrand(1.0) >= 0.5)
    llSay(0, "heads");
    llSay(0, "tails");

This code checks to see if a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 is greater than 0.5. If it is, the script says "heads", if it's not, the script says "tails"

Note: Only up to 23 else statements may be in a conditional chain. (a total of 24 conditionals: 1 if and 23 elses) Any more, and a syntax error will occur when the script is saved/compiled. For example, the following attempt at a poor man's case statement replacement is valid until you uncomment the last line:

integer i = 24;

       if (i == 1) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 2) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 3) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 4) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 5) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 6) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 7) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 8) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 9) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 10) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 11) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 12) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 13) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 14) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 15) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 16) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 17) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 18) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 19) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 20) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 21) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 22) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       else if (i == 23) llOwnerSay((string) i);
       //else if (i == 24) llOwnerSay((string) i);  // uncomment to cause syntax error

Note: This no longer seems to be accurate. I was able to put well over one hundred if-else statements in one script without recieving any error.

However, a workaround to this is to nest conditionals, or, if that's not possible, split the conditional chain into a series of distinct if statements: at the end of each if(){} block, put a jump or return as the last statement so that the remaining if statements that would have otherwise been "else if" statements are skipped.
Note: Only 4 levels of nesting are allowed. A syntax error will be displayed on the first IF in the 5th nested level.

Boolean Operators

By using boolean operators to AND or IF conditions together, code will be more efficient and use less memory than it would otherwise. Suppose a variable i is FALSE and another variable j is TRUE:

Compare this:
integer i = FALSE;
integer j = TRUE;

if (i)
    // we will not reach here.
else if (j)

And this:
integer i = FALSE;
integer j = TRUE;

if (!i)
    if (j)

To this:
integer i = FALSE;
integer j = TRUE;

if (!i && j ) // if i equals FALSE AND j equals TRUE.


Note: In some other languages, one must formally end the IF statement with endif or something similar. LSL does not.

Note: Operators in LSL are not short-circuited.
// A simple method to say if the method was called.
integer test() {
    llOwnerSay("Test method called!");
    return TRUE;

default {
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        if (FALSE && test()) { // If the test is short-circuit optimized then the test() method should never be called.
            // Will never get here.

In a short-circuited language if the left-hand side of a logical AND (&&) is FALSE the right-hand side is never tested since the entire test would always return a FALSE output no matter what the value of the right-hand side. Since LSL is not short circuited, both the left and the right-hand sides are tested all the time.

If your application requires or would greatly benefit from a short-curcuit method, for example if test above was a process intensive function and the code would be called regularly or repeatedly, you can emulate with additional if's, despite the fact it doesn't look pretty or proper.

default {
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        if (FALSE) {
            if (test()) // Will never get here.
                // Will never get here either.

Note: Because of the way LSL parser works (more details:, conditions in LSL are evaluated left to right, instead of right to left as in most programming languages. Check example on condition page.

Script | Flow Control | do-while | while
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Shouldnt this be under ConditionalStatements (the proper programming term for if-else stuff)? ;)
-- ChristopherOmega (2004-03-11 08:49:20)
It can go in both, that is the awsome power of a Wiki!!! Seriously, conditionals are a special case of flow control, and given that we don't have switch/case, the only entry in a Conditionals section would be this one.
-- WednesdayGrimm (2004-03-11 12:18:24)
They were missing the major point of how and if/else can have one statement, and not only many. so, I added it.
-- KeknehvPsaltery (2005-07-06 15:43:58)
why even use something like
// do something
else if
// do something
couldn't you just remove the else and it would produce the same results?
-- SchitsoMonkey (2005-07-23 23:51:19)
Nope - the point of 'else if' is that the second if will not even be evaluated if the first if is true. If you remove the else, it will always test both ifs.
-- StefanNilsson (2005-07-25 03:51:45)
oh, ok tnx
-- SchitsoMonkey (2005-07-25 11:47:19)
Right, you can think of "else if" as just being like "else" and then something else happens within it -- in this case, another IF statement.
-- CatherineOmega (2005-08-02 20:59:42)
Although the note states only 23 else statements can be used in a conditional chain, I'm having problems getting past 15 with a total of 16 conditionals.
-- DedricMauriac (2005-12-30 16:16:25)
Why on earth would anybody ever use 15+ nested ifs? Can anybody give me an example?
-- StefanNilsson (2006-01-02 14:51:09)
Not nested, I believe he's referring to the only way we can implement case switches. IE:

if (blah)
else if (blah2)
else if (blah3)

He means he is having trouble listing more than 15 in a row like that. This could quite possibly happen anytime there are more than 15 possible outcomes to an event.
-- StPsaltery (2006-01-06 11:48:29)
So, then, why does this work:

if (on==1) on=0;
else (on==0) on=1;

But this doesn't:

if (on==1) on=0;
if (on==0) on=1;
-- EepQuirk (2006-03-13 23:56:03)
Your first snippet does not compile, you need an if after else but before (on==0). The difference between the top and bottom (given that you make the aformentioned changes) would be that the top creates a "conditional chain", once one condition is satasfied, the rest of the chain is not evaluated. (That's why not using brackets when you create a conditional chain is not advised.)

Given that on == 1 before your second snippet, on is set to 0. Your second conditional statement checks if on is 0, then sets it to 1.
-- ChristopherOmega (2006-03-14 10:16:28)
I'm having a problem getting past seven "nested" ifs. I believe the size of the contents of the if chain plays a role in how large it can be. I'll make a note to test it, but if someone else has some free time feel free to pick it up.
-- StickMan (2006-03-27 15:23:20)
Which is faster #1 or #2 and why?

if (i)
        llOwnerSay("Am I faster");

if(i && j)
    llOwnerSay("Or am I faster");
-- Bobbyb30 (2007-03-22 17:55:53)
As for a use for 23+ if statements would be in a multi-menu script.
-- Bobbyb30 (2007-03-22 17:58:12)
Umm, what's the 'or' syntax?
if (cond1 or cond2) ??
-- (2007-07-26 09:39:30)
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