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LSL Wiki : Christophe003Carter

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Hi there, i'm a SL player and LSL scripter named Christophe003 Carter (please, call me Carla).

Welcome to my page ^.^

I'm working on an open-source database scripted in LSL. Here's the current status: Last updated on 2009/03/29 (2)
// open-source database script by Christophe003 Carter
// This was never tested, so I'm not sure if it even works.
// requires mono compilation

// All included functions work fine.
// There's no multi-column search yet. Coming soon!

// list datatables: tablekey,tableName,NumberOfFields,fieldName1,fieldName2, ...
// list data: tablekey,datakey,fieldName,data,tablekey2,datakey2,fieldName2,data2
list datatables;
list data;

integer tablekeygen = 0;
integer datakeygen = 0;

// This function is finished!
list dataRequest(list search)   // list search: [tablekey, fieldName, searchfordata]
                                //              (required) (required) (optional,partial match)
// This is a query limited to searching one column (very limited)
    list cdata = data;
    list found;
    integer chk = llListFindList(cdata, [(key)llList2String( search, 0 )] );
    if( chk == -1 )
        jump dataRequestDone;
        list tcdata = llList2List( cdata, chk, chk + 3 );
        if( llList2String( data, chk + 2 ) == llList2String( search, 1 ) ) // Fieldname matches
            if( llList2String( search, 2 ) == "" ) // no "searchfordata" input
                found += llList2String( tcdata, chk + 3 );
                if( llSubStringIndex( llList2String( tcdata, chk + 3 ) , llList2String( search, 2 ) ) != -1 )
                    found += llList2String( tcdata, chk + 3 );
        llDeleteSubList(cdata, chk, chk + 3 );  // Delete the part searched this far
                                                // SL's findlist would only return the first match in the list, otherwise
    jump dataRequestLoop;
    return found;

// This function is finished!
key tableKey(string tblName)
    integer pos = llListFindList( datatables, [tblName] );
    return llList2String( datatables, pos - 1 );

// This function isis finished!
integer dataInput(key tablekey, list data) // Boolean (TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if failed)
    integer num = llListFindList( datatables, [(string)tablekey] );
    if( num != -1 )
        integer fieldamnt = (integer)llList2String( datatables, num + 2 );
        list fieldnames = llList2List( datatables, num + 3, num + 2 + fieldamnt );
        if( llGetListLength( data ) != fieldamnt )
            errorMsg("Query invalid. The number of input fields doesn't match the number of table fields:\nQuery:\n" + llDumpList2String(data, ",") + "\nThe table has " + (string)fieldamnt + " of fields. Your query has " + (string)llGetListLength(data) + " amount of fields specified." );
            return FALSE;
            integer i;
            for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(data); i++)
                data += [tablekey, (string)datakeygen, llList2String(fieldnames, i), llList2String(data, i)];
            return TRUE;
        errorMsg("Table with key doesn't exist:\n" + (string)tablekey );
        return FALSE;

// This function is finished!
integer dataModify(key tablekey, key datakey, list newdata) // Boolean (TRUE if succeeded, fALSE if failed)
    list cdata = data;
    integer diff = 0;
    integer num = llListFindList(cdata,[(string)tablekey]);
    if( num != -1 )
        list tcdata = llList2List( cdata, num, num + 3 );
        integer num2 = llListFindList(tcdata, [(string)datakey]);
        if( num2 != -1 )
            integer dbnum = llListFindList( datatables, [(string)tablekey] );
            integer fieldamnt = (integer)llList2String( datatables, dbnum + 2 );
            llListReplaceList( data, newdata, num + diff, num + diff  );
            jump dataModifyDone;
        llDeleteSubList( cdata, num, num + 3 );
        diff += 4;
        jump dataModifyLoop;
        errorMsg("Table with key doesn't exist or is empty:\n" + (string)tablekey + "\nOr data with key doesn't exist in that table:\n" + (string)datakey);
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

// This function is finished!
dataRemove(key tablekey, key datakey) // Can't return success anymore
    list cdata = data;
    integer missingindex = 0;
    integer num = llListFindList(cdata,[(string)tablekey]);
    if( num != -1 )
        list tcdata = llList2List( cdata, num, num + 3 );
        integer num2 = llListFindList(tcdata, [(string)datakey]);
        if( num2 != -1 )
            llDeleteSubList( data, num + missingindex, num + 3 + missingindex );
            missingindex -= 4;
        llDeleteSubList( cdata, num, num + 3 );
        missingindex += 4;
        jump dataRemoveDone;    // prevent a permanent loop
    jump dataRemoveLoop;

// This function is finished!
integer createTable(string name, list fieldanddatatype)  // Boolean (TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if failed)
// list fieldanddatatype: fieldName1, fieldName2, ...
    if( llListFindList( datatables, [name] ) == -1 )
        datatables += [(string)tablekeygen,name,llGetListLength(fieldanddatatype)] + fieldanddatatype;
        return TRUE;
        errorMsg("A table with that name already exists:\n" + name);
        return FALSE;

// This function is finished!
integer removeTable(key tablekey) // Boolean (TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if failed)
    integer tablepos = llListFindList(datatables, [tablekey]);
    if( tablepos != -1 )
        integer numoffields = llList2Integer( datatables, tablepos + 2 );
        llDeleteSubList( datatables, tablepos, tablepos + numoffields + 2 );
        integer datanum = llListFindList( data, [tablekey] );
        if( datanum == -1 )
            jump removeTableDone;
            llDeleteSubList( data, datanum, datanum + 3 );
        jump removeTableLoop;
        return TRUE;
        errorMsg("The table you're trying to remove doesn't exist:\n" + (string)tablekey);
        return FALSE;

errorMsg(string error)
    // Do whatever you want here, it's your errorhandling!
    llWhisper( 0, error );

        // Create your own way to communicate with the database.

A nice notecard reading script, an access list script for a remote controlled door or something.
//********************** ACCESS LIST SCRIPT **********************//
//*********** SCRIPT MADE BY CHRISTOPHE003 CARTER ****************//
//****** Script is provided as is, and has no warranty. **********//
//****************** We are not responsible for ******************//
//******** any damages done to your computer and/or avatar *******//
//******************** by use of this script. ********************//
//*********** These comments MUST remain in the script! **********//

// Read out a complete notecard from the object's inventory.
string gName;    // name of a notecard in the object's inventory
integer gLine = 0;        // current line number
key gQueryID;// id used to identify dataserver queries
string final;
float data2;
list users;
integer check;
float numlines;  // alot of numbers used in calculations
float procent;
float linenum = 0;
float finalproc;
integer finalproc2;
key cQueryID; // key for the linecount

default // We only need the default state here.
    state_entry() // Occurs on rezz and script reset
        linenum = 0; // clear data
        users = []; // clear data
        gName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, 0); // select the first notecard in the object's inventory
        if( gName != "" ) // make sure there is a notecard in the inventory
            cQueryID = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(gName); // Request how many lines the notecard has
            gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine);    // request first line

    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) // makes sure that a change was made inside the inventory
            llResetScript(); // Clear all memory, and re-read the notecard (hopefully prevents early stack-heap collision), goes to state_entry

    dataserver(key query_id, string data) 
        if (query_id == cQueryID) // The dataserver provides us with the number of lines in the access list notecard
            numlines = (integer)data; // Store the number of lines
            procent = 100 / numlines; // calculate the percentages
            llWhisper(0, "Reading access list, please wait..."); // Say that the access list reading has started
        else if( query_id == gQueryID ) // We have been provided with a line of text from the notecard (or the end of it)
            if (data != EOF) // Makes sure that we have not passed the end of the notecard
                gLine++; // Add one (1) to the line count
                linenum += 1; // same.
                finalproc = linenum * procent;
                finalproc2 = (integer)finalproc; // Calculating percentage to show.
                users += [llToLower(data)]; // Add user to the list
                llSetText("Loading Notecard\n" + (string)finalproc2 + " %", <1,1,0>, 1); // Set the text
                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gName, gLine); // Request next notecard line
            else // We are at EOF (End Of File), we get no more data
                llWhisper(0, "Done reading access list."); // We are done reading access list notecard.
                llSetText("", <1,1,1>, 0); // Clear all text.

    touch_start(integer num)
        check = llListFindList(users, [llToLower( llDetectedName(0) )] ); // Store in what position the toucher is in the list
        if( check != -1 ) // If it is not -1 then he is on the access list (-1 means not on access list)
            // Example of what can happen
            llSay(0, llDetectedName(0) + " is on the access list."); // Output that target is on access list
        else // Target is not on access list
            // Example of what can happen
            llSay(0, llDetectedName(0) + " is not on the access list."); // Tell him he is not on access list.

A nice parcel monitor script for people who rent out land, to check for prim usage and things like that. Updated 2009/03/29

main script Updated 2009/03/29
//******************** PARCEL MONITOR SCRIPT *********************//
//*********** SCRIPT MADE BY CHRISTOPHE003 CARTER ****************//
//****** Script is provided as is, and has no warranty. **********//
//****************** We are not responsible for ******************//
//******** any damages done to your computer and/or avatar *******//
//******************** by use of this script. ********************//
//*********** These comments MUST remain in the script! **********//

string HandleParcelName(string pname)   // Splits parcel name to multiple lines when it's to long so
                                        // it fits on the parcel monitor. It does this without breaking
                                        // words up or stuff like that.
    integer check = 1;
    list parcelnamesplit = llParseString2List( pname, [], [" "] );
    string finished;
    string temp;
    integer i;
    for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(parcelnamesplit); i++)
        if( llStringLength(finished) + llStringLength( llList2String( parcelnamesplit, i ) ) > check * 25 )
            finished += "\n";
        finished += llList2String( parcelnamesplit, i );

    return finished;

    on_rez(integer param)
        llSetTimerEvent( 0.1 );

        string extratext;
        integer Parcel_Flags = llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos ());
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_FLY & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Fly enabled\n";
        else{extratext+="No fly\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_SCRIPTS & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Outside Scripts on\n";
        else{extratext+="No outside scripts\n";}
        if( PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_LANDMARK & Parcel_Flags )
            extratext += "Allows landmark creation\n";
        else{extratext += "Disallow landmark creation\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_TERRAFORM & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Terraforming Permitted\n";
        else{extratext+="No terraforming\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_DAMAGE & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Damage Enabled\n";
        else{extratext+="No damage\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Public rez on\n";
        else{extratext+="Public rez off\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_USE_ACCESS_GROUP & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Group Access on\n";
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_USE_ACCESS_LIST & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Access List on\n";
        else{extratext+="Public Access\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_USE_BAN_LIST & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Banlist on\n";
        else{extratext+="Banlist Disabled\n";}
        extratext += "\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n";
        llMessageLinked( LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, extratext, "first" );
        extratext = "";
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_USE_LAND_PASS_LIST & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Passes for sale on.\n";
        else{extratext+="No access passes for sale.\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_LOCAL_SOUND_ONLY & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Parcel spatialised sound restricted.\n";
        else{extratext+="Sound not restricted to parcel.\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_GROUP_SCRIPTS & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "Group scripts on.\n";
        else{extratext+="No group scripts.\n";}
            extratext += "Group members can rez here.\n";
        else{extratext+="Group members cannot rez here.\n";}
        if (PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_ALL_OBJECT_ENTRY & Parcel_Flags)
            extratext += "All objects can enter.\n";
        else{extratext+="Not all objects can enter.\n";}
            extratext += "Group objects can enter.\n";
        else{extratext+="Group objects cannot enter.\n";}
            extratext += "Push is disabled.\n";
        else{extratext+="Push enabled\n";}
        extratext += " \n \n \n \n";
        llMessageLinked( LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 0, extratext, "last" );
        float basicperformance = llGetRegionTimeDilation() * 100;
        float basicperformance2 = llGetRegionFPS() * 2.222222; 
        float basicperformance3 = basicperformance + basicperformance2;
        float basicperformance4 = basicperformance3 / 2;
        integer basicperformance5 = (integer)basicperformance4;
        list parceldetails = llGetParcelDetails( llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME, PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC, PARCEL_DETAILS_AREA] );
        integer primcount = llGetParcelPrimCount( llGetPos(), PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL, FALSE );
        string parcelname = llList2String( parceldetails, 0 );
        string parceldesc = llList2String( parceldetails, 1 );
        string parcelarea = llList2String( parceldetails, 2 );
        llSetText( llGetRegionName() + "\nFPS: " + (string)llGetRegionFPS() + "\nTime Dilation: " + (string)llGetRegionTimeDilation() + 
        "\n \nSim Performance: " + (string)basicperformance5 + "%" + "\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" + HandleParcelName(parcelname) + "\nParcel size: " + parcelarea + "sqm.\nPrims used: " + (string)primcount, llGetColor(ALL_SIDES), llGetAlpha( ALL_SIDES ) );
subscript 1
    on_rez(integer param)

    link_message( integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id )
        if( id == "first" )
            llSetText( str, llGetColor(ALL_SIDES), llGetAlpha( ALL_SIDES ) );
subscript 2
    on_rez(integer param)
    link_message( integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id )
        if( id == "first" )
            llSetText( str, llGetColor(ALL_SIDES), llGetAlpha( ALL_SIDES ) );

Feel free to leave ANY comments, criticize my scripting, correcting my scripts, suggestions, or just to say hi :)
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