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Pathfinder beta v0.9

IMPORTANT: This script is still under development. It has been tested, and worked to find a path from plum to darkwood, but that's the only testing that's been done since it started working. I will remove this note once more testing is completed. In theory, it should all work. :)

This script takes a destination sim and outputs a path to get from the starting sim to the target sim. You can also specify specific sims to avoid, such as if you find that it's down when you get there.

The script uses a database for storing the locations of the sims. I use a perl script (here) to convert a map from The output from the current map (2005-03-10) is here.

Script Interaction

All comunication with this script is via llMessageLinked(integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id).
All coordinates sent to this script should follow the coordinate system on

To start a search send 142 as num, the destination in str as "xTarget, yTarget". If you want the script to avoid any locations, send them in id as (key)"xAvoid1, yAvoid1, xAvoid2, yAvoid2, etc...". If you send in uneven number of CSVs, the script just ignores them all.

If a search is requested while one is already in progress, pathfinder will message it back to whatever link sent the request, using 100 for num. You could either have the controlling script recheck every few seconds, if you want to let the current search complete, or you could just reset the script using llResetOtherScript.

When completed, pathfinder will message the results with 115 for num, and the path will be a set of steps in a strided CSV list. So for example, if you're trying to get from Kissling (999, 1003) to Darkwood (996, 1003) the output would be "0, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1". I'll post a better explination and hopefully a script to actually move using this when I get a chance (hopefully soon).

The Pathfinder script

//Pathfinder script
//Created by Psyfire Tigereye
//Beta version 0.9

//For more info on pathfinding, check out

////// A note about nodes //////
//A node is a rotation with the following format: <x, y, g, p>
//x is the x coordinate of the node, y is the y coordinate.
//x and y both use llGetRegionCorner() / 256 values.
//g is the G cost of the node, i.e. how many steps it took to get there from startNode.
//p is the parent node. It is the index in closedNodes that it's parent is located at.
//A p value of -1 is used for the first node, to indicate that it's where you started.

//The name of the note card w/ the sim data.
string simDataCard = "simData";

//The com channel of the link message 
integer searchStartMsg = 142;
integer readyMsg = 143;
integer badPath = 144;
integer searchDone= 145;

//Global variables
list openNodes;
list closedNodes;
key mapSizeReq;
key simDataReq;
string simData;
integer nextLine;
vector dest;
integer reqSource;
integer currentNodeIndex;
integer xStart;
integer yStart;
integer xMax;
integer yMax;
integer yStep;


//Returns the H cost (estimated distance to the target).
integer hCost(rotation testNode) {
    integer retv = llAbs((integer)testNode.x - (integer)dest.x)
        + llAbs((integer)testNode.y - (integer)dest.y);
    return retv;

//Finds the node on the open list with the lowest F cost (distance traveled + H)
integer lowestF() {
    integer listLength = llGetListLength(openNodes);
    rotation testNode = llList2Rot(openNodes, 0);
    integer i; integer lowest = (integer)testNode.z + hCost(testNode);
    integer retv = 0; integer testF;
    for (i = 1; i < listLength; ++i) {
        testNode = llList2Rot(openNodes, i);
        testF = (integer)testNode.z + hCost(testNode);
        if (testF <= lowest) {
            lowest = testF;
            retv = i;
    return retv;

//Checks if there's a node at the specific x and y coordinates.
integer isSim(float x, float y) {
    if ((x < xStart || x > xMax) || (y < yStart || y > yStart + yStep)) {
        return FALSE;
    x -= xStart; y -= yStart;
    integer index = (integer)(y * yStep + x);
    //Entry will be 1 if it's a sim, or 0 if not, so this give TRUE or FALSE.
    return (integer)llGetSubString(simData, index, index);

//What to do when there's no way to the target.
noPath(integer why) {
    list reasons = ["Bad target", "Bad start", "No path"];
    llMessageLinked(reqSource, badPath, llList2String(reasons, why), NULL_KEY);

//Returns a list of the sims N, S, E, and W of the sim at x, y.
list borderLands(float x, float y) {
    list borders = [x, y - 1.0];
    borders += [x, y + 1.0];
    borders += [x - 1.0, y];
    borders += [x + 1.0, y];
    integer i;
    list retList;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
        if (isSim(llList2Integer(borders, i), llList2Integer(borders, i + 1))) {
            retList += llList2List(borders, i, i + 1);
    return retList;

//Returns a value based on if the sim is on a list already or not.
integer checkNode(integer x, integer y) {
    if (x == dest.x && y == dest.y) {
        return -3;
    integer i;
    rotation tempNode;
    integer len = llGetListLength(closedNodes);
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        tempNode = llList2Rot(closedNodes, i);
        if (x == tempNode.x && y == tempNode.y) {
            return -1;
    len = llGetListLength(openNodes);
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        tempNode = llList2Rot(closedNodes, i);
        if (x == tempNode.x && y == tempNode.y) {
            return i;
    return -2;

//The actual search process.
search() {
    integer found = FALSE;
    integer lowestOpen;
    rotation currentNode;
    rotation tempNode;
    list neighbors;
    integer status;
    integer len; integer i;
    integer newX; integer newY;
    while (!found) {
        lowestOpen = lowestF();
        currentNode = llList2Rot(openNodes, lowestOpen);
        closedNodes += currentNode;
        openNodes = llDeleteSubList(openNodes, lowestOpen, lowestOpen);
        currentNodeIndex = llGetListLength(closedNodes) - 1;
        neighbors = borderLands(currentNode.x, currentNode.y);
        len = llGetListLength(neighbors);
        if (len == 0 && llGetListLength(openNodes) == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
            newX = llList2Integer(neighbors, i);
            newY = llList2Integer(neighbors, i + 1);
            status = checkNode(newX, newY);
            if (status == -2 && isSim(newX, newY)) {
                openNodes += [<newX, newY, currentNode.z + 1, currentNodeIndex>];
            else if (status == -3) {
                closedNodes += [<newX, newY, 0, currentNodeIndex>];
                found = TRUE;
            else if (status >= 0) {
                tempNode = llList2Rot(openNodes, status);
                if (tempNode.z <= currentNode.z) {
                    tempNode.z = currentNode.z + 1;
                    tempNode.s = currentNodeIndex;
                    openNodes = llListInsertList(llDeleteSubList(openNodes,
                        status, status), [tempNode], status);
    //Finish code
    list reversePath;
    rotation next = llList2Rot(closedNodes, - 1);
    while (next.s >= 0) {
        reversePath += next;
        next = llList2Rot(closedNodes, (integer)next.s);
    reversePath += next;
    len = llGetListLength(reversePath);
    rotation fromNode = llList2Rot(reversePath, len);
    rotation toNode;
    list finalPath;
    for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        toNode = llList2Rot(reversePath, i);
        finalPath += [(integer)(toNode.x - fromNode.x),
            (integer)(toNode.y - fromNode.y)];
        fromNode = toNode;
    llMessageLinked(reqSource, searchDone, llList2CSV(finalPath), NULL_KEY);

default {
    state_entry() {
        mapSizeReq = llGetNotecardLine(simDataCard, 1);

    dataserver(key queryid, string data) {
        if (queryid == mapSizeReq) {
            list splitData = llCSV2List(data);
            xStart = (integer)llList2String(splitData, 0);
            xMax = (integer)llList2String(splitData, 1);
            yStart = (integer)llList2String(splitData, 2);
            yMax = (integer)llList2String(splitData, 3);
            yStep = xMax - xStart + 1;
            nextLine = 2;
            simDataReq = llGetNotecardLine(simDataCard, nextLine);
        if (queryid == simDataReq) {
            if (data != EOF) {
                simData += data;
                simDataReq = llGetNotecardLine(simDataCard, nextLine);
            else {
                llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, readyMsg, "Ready", NULL_KEY);

    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if (num == searchStartMsg) {
            //Clear old search values
            closedNodes = [];
            //Get ready for this search
            reqSource = sender_num;
            list destInfo = llCSV2List(str);
            dest = <(float)llList2String(destInfo, 0), 
                (float)llList2String(destInfo, 1), 0>;
            vector here = llGetRegionCorner();
            here.x /= 256; here.y /= 256;
            //Check if the start or destination are islands, or non-existant
            if (!isSim(dest.x, dest.y) ||
                    llGetListLength(borderLands(dest.x, dest.y)) == 0) {
            else if (!isSim(here.x, here.y) ||
                    llGetListLength(borderLands(here.x, here.y)) == 0) {
            openNodes = [<here.x, here.y, 0, -1>];
            list avoid = llCSV2List((string)id);
            integer i;
            integer len = llGetListLength(avoid);
            for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
                closedNodes += [<(float)llList2String(avoid, i),
                    (float)llList2String(avoid, i + 1), 0, 0>];

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