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LSL Wiki : ExampleMoney

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// ExampleMoney
// Pay the object money, this script refunds incorrect payments
// This code is public domain.

integer gCorrectAmount = 10; // this defines the correct price -- we only accept L$10

        // get permission from the owner to pay out money using the llGiveMoney function.
    money(key id, integer amount)
        // has the user paid the correct amount?
        if (amount == gCorrectAmount)
            // if so, thank the payer by name.
            llSay(0,"Thank you, " + llKey2Name(id) + ".");
        // is the amount paid less than it needs to be?
        else if (amount < gCorrectAmount)
            // if so, tell them they're getting a refund, then refund their money.
            llSay(0,"You didn't pay enough, " + llKey2Name(id) + ". Refunding your payment of L$" + (string)amount + ".");
            llGiveMoney(id, amount); // refund amount paid.
        // if it's not exactly the amount required, and it's not less than the amount required,
        // the payer has paid too much.
            // tell them they've overpaid.
            integer refund = amount - gCorrectAmount; // determine how much extra they've paid.
            llSay(0,"You paid too much, " + llKey2Name(id) + ". Your change is L$" + (string)refund + ".");
            llGiveMoney(id, refund); // refund their change.

Examples | money() | llGiveMoney
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