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LSL Wiki : llShout

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llShout(integer channel, string text)

Shouts text on channel. llShout range is a 100m radius sphere centered on the calling object.

Note: A long string for text will be truncated to 1023 characters.

llShout(0, "Hello Avatar!");
Chat Output:
Hello, Avatar!

Like avatars, objects can use "/me" on channel 0. Thus, if an object named "Your dog" had a script with the line:
llShout(0, "/me wants steak.");
The chat output would be:
Your dog wants steak.

Scripts with listens will get the text without "/me". In the above example, a script listening on channel 0 would get the message "wants steak". There is currently no way for a script to see if the speaker has said "/me".


DEBUG_CHANNEL 2147483647

Q: Why doesn't my object pick up it's own spoken chat text in listen()?
A: Objects do not 'hear' themselves talk. This helps prevent infinite loops which would probably happen often if objects could hear themselves. For example, if your script returned a message saying 'Unknown command', you could go into an infinite loop easily if you didn't filter out 'Unknown command'. This applies to all of the local chat functions: llWhisper, llSay, and llShout.

Compare with llSay, llWhisper, llOwnerSay, llInstantMessage and llMessageLinked

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Functions | Chat | listen | Communications
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