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LSL Wiki : LibraryUUIDChannelUnique

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Library Unique Channel per UUID

I wanted to create a random channel for a UUID. A channel that could be generated over and over by the same object that would remain the same. Though I'm not sure if this is fool-proof, I've come up with this.

// randomKeyPerUUID();
// This creates a random channel for any given UUID, for example used in this script is the Object's UUID.
// This script may be modified, improved, whatever. Just keep this in the credits to show that I created the original script.
// Written: Zachary Carter (18 December 2007)

integer randomChannelUUID()
    list characters = ["NULL", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "-"];
    string uuid = (string)llGetKey();
    float genChannel = -2147483647.0 / 4;
    string mathOp = "+";
    integer x;
    for(x = 0; x < llStringLength(uuid); x++)
        float where = (float)llListFindList(characters, [llGetSubString(uuid, x, x)]);
        if(mathOp == "+")
            genChannel += where;
            mathOp = "*";
        else if(mathOp == "-")
            genChannel -= where;
            mathOp = "-";
        else if(mathOp == "*")
            genChannel *= where;
            mathOp = "/";
        else if(mathOp == "/")
            genChannel /= where;
            mathOp = "+";
        genChannel /= 2.0;
    while(genChannel > 2147483647.0 || genChannel < -2147483647.0);
    return llRound(genChannel);

        llSay(0, "I generated the channel (" + (string)randomChannelUUID() + ") from the UUID (" + (string)llGetKey() + ") in " + (string)llGetTime() + " seconds!");
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