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Examples ScriptLibrary AnorcaCalamari

This is not cap sensitive. If you put in an invalid simname for tele the map will still open up itll just show NONE FOUND in the search results box.
If you set your home to the wrong place it'll just open up the search box with NONE FOUND till you change your home.

Command Use Example
-sethomehere sets your home sim and vector to this position. -sethomehere
-sethome SIMNAME sets your home sim to SIMNAME -sethome pullman
-sethomevec VECTOR sets the vector you appear at when you say home(default <128,128,100>) -sethomevec <100,61,42>
-home Opens up the map targeted on your home -home
-tele SIMNAME Opens the map targeted on simulator SIMNAME -tele pullman

Created by AnorcaCalamari
//Created by Anorca Calamari
//Please do not sell this script except as part of a larger creation. You may give it away for free.
//You may modify this script.
string home="NO_HOME";
string homevec="<128,128,100>";
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message)
        string command=llToLower(message);
        if(llSubStringIndex(command,"-tele ") == 0)
        if(command == "-home")
            if(home == "NO_HOME")
                llOwnerSay("You have not set a home yet.");
            if(home != "NO_HOME")
        if(llSubStringIndex(command,"-sethome ") == 0)
            llOwnerSay("Home sim set to:" + home);
        if(llSubStringIndex(command,"-sethomevec ") == 0)
            llOwnerSay("Home vector set to:" + homevec);
        if(command == "-sethomehere")
            llOwnerSay("Home set to here");

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