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TrustNet API

TrustNet is an attempt to replace the ratings system in SL with something better. A complete explanation of how it works can be found here:

This is the complete API available to other people. Any unexplained functionality (you can tell for example by skipped command numbers) is either unavailable in the API, not stable enough, not generally useful, or deprecated.

HTTP Module

The HTTP module is the actual part doing requests with llHTTPRequest to the TrustNet server. To reduce server load and improve performance using the cache (explained below) is strongly encouraged. This function is done by two scripts, http and http_controller. Both are absolutely required to perform the function. The first one handles the actual HTTP requests, and the other deals with the formatting.

Constant Integer String Key Description
TN_HTTP_EXPLAIN 0x44472902 Agent's name Agent's key Returns a human-readable string (don't try to parse it, format is subject to change) that explains why the specified agent has the rating it does. Output may be cut to prevent script crashes due to memory exhaustion.
TN_HTTP_FLUSH 0x44472904 none none Requests aren't done immediately. The HTTP module will delay a request and attempt to convert multiple commands into one llHTTPRequest. This command requests the HTTP to do the pending requests now. This is useful if you're using TrustNet for something like a door, which runs a check for a single agent, and where waiting for more to appear is most likely useless.
TN_HTTP_GET_RATING 0x44472906 llList2CSV([agent_name, rating_type, link_num]) Agent's key Retrieves the rating_type rating for the specified agent. The link_num argument specifies to which prim to send the reply. This is provided as convenience for scanner objects that use a prim per agent.
TN_HTTP_LOGIN 0x44472903 none none Logs into the TrustNet system. This is required before any other commands work. No credentials are required, authentication is done against your key.
TN_HTTP_RATE 0x4447290b llList2CSV([agent_name, rating_type, score]) Agent's key Submits a rating for the indicated agent. The rating type is a string and a table of them can be found below. The score is an integer. Allowed values are -1, 0 and 1. A rating will remove any previous ones. 0 removes any previous rating.
TN_HTTP_SEARCH 0x44472907 rating type none Returns a human-readable string (don't parse it) containing a list of avatars with the best ratings of the requested type. This will for example return the best scripters from your net.

List of currently recognized rating types
Rating Description
behavior Are they nice to have around or not? A positive rating here implies a certain amount of trust. If you rate somebody's behavior positively, their ratings will affect the scores you get
scripting Scripting ability
building Building ability
avatars Avatar making ability (not appearance)

Cache Module

Since requesting things takes time, and for some purposes the same request might be likely to be made repeatedly, a cache module is provided. Its use is strongly encouraged, unless you absolutely don't needed it. An example of when you could choose not to use it is when you're using TrustNet on something like a door, where checks are made against single agents very infrequently.

Constant Integer String Key Description
TN_CACHE_FLUSH 0x44473103 none none Clears the cache completely
TN_CACHE_GET 0x44473100 llList2CSV([agent_name, rating_type, link_num]) Agent's key Same as TN_HTTP_GET_RATING, only if it's found in the cache you get the result a lot faster
TN_CACHE_SET 0x44473101 llList2CSV([rating_type, score]) Agent's key Stores a rating in the cache. Overrides a previous rating if any. Ignored if the rating type is wrong (see TN_CACHE_SET_RATING_TYPE below). This is generally not necessary in normal usage.
TN_CACHE_SET_RATING_TYPE 0x44473106 rating type none The current cache implementation only caches scores of one type. The rest are passed through. If the rating you're primarily working with is not 'behavior' then you should call this to make the cache more useful. Calling it will clear the cache. If this defect is fixed, this command will be silently ignored.
TN_CACHE_STATS 0x44473102 none none Dumps cache statistics using llOwnerSay. May be helpful during development.

Client Events

These messages are going to be sent to the client script. This is how confirmations, replies, and errors are reported. They are sent to LINK_THIS, that is, the same module where the TrustNet scripts are. Many of them may be ignored.

Constant Integer String Key Description
TN_CLIENT_CONNECTING 0x4447300b none none HTTP module is connecting to the server. Will happen after a TN_HTTP_LOGIN. May be ignored.
TN_CLIENT_DOWNLOAD_DONE 0x4447300c none none Retrieval of ratings is complete. This happens once per ratings "bunch", not per requested rating. May be ignored.
TN_CLIENT_ERROR 0x44473007 Error message none Error message from the server, in a human-readable format. Will be received if something goes wrong, such as a request being incorrectly formatted.
TN_CLIENT_EXPLAIN 0x44473008 Message none Reply to TN_HTTP_EXPLAIN, formatted for human readability. Should not be parsed in any way, format may change unpredictably.
TN_CLIENT_LOGGING_IN 0x4447300a none none HTTP module is performing a login. Will happen after a TN_HTTP_LOGIN. May be ignored.
TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR 0x44473006 Error message none Received if a login attempt fails. This may be due to an expired subscription, server problems, or your version being too old.
TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_OK 0x44473005 Login message none Received when a login is successfully completed. Detecting this is mandatory. Most commands will be silently ignored until a login is completed.
TN_CLIENT_NO_RATINGS 0x44473011 none none Notification from the server informing the user that they haven't given any ratings yet. That means that no scores can be calculated. For that reason, using commands like TN_HTTP_GET_RATING and TN_CACHE_GET is strongly discouraged until you submit ratings to the server.
TN_CLIENT_NOTICE 0x44473009 Notice none General message from the server to the user. May contain notices about future downtime, etc. May be received at any time. May be ignored.
TN_CLIENT_RATING 0x44473000 llList2CSV(rating_type, rating) Agent's key Result of a TN_HTTP_GET_RATING.
TN_CLIENT_SEARCH 0x4447300f Message none Result of a TN_HTTP_SEARCH query. Formatted for human readability.
TN_CLIENT_STATS_QUEUED 0x44473001 Count none How many pieces of data (rating requests, rating submissions, etc) are currently waiting to be sent.
TN_CLIENT_STATS_TRANSMITTING 0x44473003 Count none How many pieces of data are currently being transmitted
TN_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRING 0x4447300e none none Notification from the server informing the user that their subscription is expiring (currently, less than a week left). Will be received during login. It is recommended that you check for this in at least one object to avoid surprises.
TN_CLIENT_UPLOAD_DONE 0x4447300d none none Ratings were accepted by the server. This happens once per ratings "bunch", not per requested rating. May be ignored.

Code Examples


This example demonstrates how to make an object that waits for somebody to click it, then does a TN_HTTP_EXPLAIN request for the agent that clicked it, and produces the output.

// Example TrustNet script by Dale Glass
// Demonstrates the TN_HTTP_EXPLAIN TrustNet command

integer TN_HTTP_LOGIN         = 0x44472903;
integer TN_HTTP_EXPLAIN       = 0x44472902;
integer TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_OK    = 0x44473005;
integer TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR = 0x44473006;
integer TN_CLIENT_EXPLAIN     = 0x44473008;

default {
    state_entry() {
        // Start a login
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, TN_HTTP_LOGIN, "", NULL_KEY);
        llSetText("Logging in...", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if( num == TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_OK ) {
            // Login completed, everything went fine
            state running;
        } else if ( num == TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR ) {
            // Login failed. Here we could perhaps retry after a delay.
            llOwnerSay("Login failed!\n" + str);
            llSetText("Login failed", <1,0,0>, 1.0);

state running {
    state_entry() {
        llSetText("Ready. Click me!", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
    touch_start(integer count) {
        llSetText("Requesting...", <0,0,1>, 1.0);

        // Request an explanation of the score from the server
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, TN_HTTP_EXPLAIN, llDetectedName(0), llDetectedKey(0));
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if ( num == TN_CLIENT_EXPLAIN ) {
            // Explanation received
            llWhisper(0, str);

Get Rating

// Example TrustNet script by Dale Glass
// Demonstrates the TN_HTTP_GET_RATING TrustNet command.
// This is a more complete example with code for handling
// common events.

integer TN_HTTP_LOGIN                   = 0x44472903;
integer TN_HTTP_GET_RATING              = 0x44472906;

integer TN_CLIENT_RATING                = 0x44473000;
integer TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_OK              = 0x44473005;
integer TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR           = 0x44473006;
integer TN_CLIENT_ERROR                 = 0x44473007;
integer TN_CLIENT_NOTICE                = 0x44473009;
integer TN_CLIENT_LOGGING_IN            = 0x4447300a;
integer TN_CLIENT_CONNECTING            = 0x4447300b;

handle_common(integer num, string str, key id) {
    if ( num == TN_CLIENT_NOTICE ) {
        llOwnerSay("Notice: " + str);
    } else if ( num == TN_CLIENT_ERROR ) {
        llOwnerSay("Error: " + str);

default {
    state_entry() {
        // Start a login
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, TN_HTTP_LOGIN, "", NULL_KEY);
        llSetText("", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if( num == TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_OK ) {
            // Login completed, everything went fine
            if ( str != "" ) {
                // Display login message, if there is one
            state running;
        } else if ( num == TN_CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR ) {
            // Login failed. Here we could perhaps retry after a delay.
            llOwnerSay("Login failed!\n" + str);
            llSetText("Login failed", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
        } else if ( num == TN_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRING ) {
            llOwnerSay("Your TrustNet API subscription is expiring");
        } else if ( num == TN_CLIENT_CONNECTING ) {
            llSetText("Connecting...", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
        } else if ( num == TN_CLIENT_LOGGING_IN ) {
            llSetText("Logging in...", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
        } else {
            handle_common(num, str, id);

state running {
    state_entry() {
        llSetText("Ready. Click me!", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
    touch_start(integer count) {
        llSetText("Requesting...", <0,0,1>, 1.0);
        // Request an score from the server
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, TN_HTTP_GET_RATING,
                        llList2CSV([llDetectedName(0), "behavior", llGetLinkNumber()]),
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if ( num == TN_CLIENT_RATING ) {
            // Explanation received
            list result = llCSV2List(str);
            string rating_type = llList2String(result,0);
            float  score       = llList2Float(result,1);
            llSetText("", <0,0,0>, 0.0);
            llWhisper(0, llKey2Name(id) + "'s " + rating_type + " score is " + (string)score);
        } else {
            handle_common(num, str, id);

Protocol Exchange
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