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ZenMondo Wormser styles himself a code poet.

// Function GetNewInventoryName by ZenMondo Wormser
// This function returns a list of the names of 
// inventory items added to an object's inventory
// since the last time the function was called.
// This function works by keeping a list of inventory items
// and comparing against that list as inventory changes.
// NOTE: If items are deleted between calls and nothing is added
// this function will return an empty list.

list gOld_Inventory;    //This stores the Inventory since the last function call.
                        //It is global so it persists between function calls.
                        //It may also be handy to have a list of your object's inventory.

list GetNewInventoryName()
    list found_new = [];  //This list will contain the names of New Inventory items.
    integer inventory_type = INVENTORY_ALL; //Change to look at inventory type you want.
    integer inventory_num = llGetInventoryNumber(inventory_type);
    list new_inventory = []; //This list will contain the current inventory.
    integer counter = 0;
    while(counter < inventory_num)
        new_inventory = (new_inventory=[]) + new_inventory + llGetInventoryName(inventory_type, counter);
            counter ++;
    integer list_length = llGetListLength(new_inventory);
    counter = 0;
    list scratch;
    while(counter < list_length)
        scratch = llList2List(new_inventory, counter, counter);
        if(llListFindList(gOld_Inventory, scratch) == -1) //New Inventory Object
               found_new += llList2String(scratch,0); //Add the name of the new inventory item to the found_new list
        counter ++;
    gOld_Inventory = new_inventory; //Store the Inventory List to be compared the next time the function is called.
    return found_new;   //Return a list of the new inventory items.

        GetNewInventoryName(); //Populate the list on reset.

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        // Example Use in touch_start()
        // Because Multiple Items could have been
        // added between calls we work through 
        // the list that is retunred.
        list new_inv = GetNewInventoryName();
        llSay(0, "New Inventory Items:");
        integer list_len = llGetListLength(new_inv);
        integer counter;
        for(counter = 0; counter < list_len; counter++)
           llSay(0, llList2String(new_inv, counter));
    changed(integer mask)
        // Example Used in changed()
        // This is much simpler, as changed()
        // will be triggered each time something
        // is added to the object's inventory
        // resulting in only one result in the
        // returned list from GetNewInventoryName()
        if(mask & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            list new_inv = GetNewInventoryName();
            llSay(0, "New Inventory Item:" + llList2String(new_inv, 0));

A simple script to light up a prim in a linkset when touched, and unlight the last one touced using llSetLinkPrimitiveParams


    touch_start(integer total_number)
        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, TRUE]);
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