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LSL Wiki : TwosComplement

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Two's Complement is the way most computers store negative numbers.

To find the negative of a number, write it in binary, then flip all the bits and add 1.

Example (in 8 bits):
.              19 = 0001 0011

flips all bits      1110 1100
add one           + 0000 0001
.                   __________
.             -19 = 1110 1101

Example 2:
.               1 = 0000 0001

flip all bits       1111 1110
add one           + 0000 0001
.                   __________
.              -1 = 1111 1111

Some less useful information follows.

Why is two's complement notation so common? Well, it has this really neat property:
In eight bits...

 10 = 00001010  ==>  -10 = 11110110

  8 = 00001000  ==>   -8 = 11111000

And then

  10   00001010   
+  8  +00001000
----  ---------
  18   00010010  ==>  -18 = 11101110

 -10   11110110
+ -8  +11111000
----  ---------
 -18   11101110  ==>   18 = 00010010

As you can see, under at least addition and multiplication the computer doesn't have to care at all whether a number is positive or negative. This makes computer hardware much easier (and therefore cheaper) to produce: you only need one set of ADD instructions, not one for unsigned (all positive) integers and another one for signed (some positive, some negative) numbers. Imagine having to test whether a number is negative or positive before being able to decide how to add it to another number!

There is, however, a small disadvantage to two's complement notation. Since zero is considered a positive number (as its leading bit is, unsurprisingly, 0) there is one more negative number than positive numbers. See here:
In eight bits...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---- (These are the values of the bits in 8 bit two's complement, by the way)
| | | | | | | |
v v v v v v v v

2 6 3 1
8 4 2 6 8 4 2 1

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 127, the most positive number.

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = -128, the most negative number.

Suppose we try to negate -128 to make +128 in eight bits.  Let's try it.
Invert the bits and add one:

 + 00000001
   10000000  <-- oops!  -(-128) is -128.

Actually, it's 010000000, but we don't have enough bits to show that.

Note that LSL uses 32-bit integers and not 8-bit as in these examples.

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