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LSL Wiki : Tutorial

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This page serves as a basic tutorial for users new to Linden Scripting Language and SecondLife.

However, LSL101 and the Crash Course are far better options for both complete beginners, and people who have programmed before.

A script is an item in the inventory of an object that contains instructions that make the object do stuff. Like other inventory items, scripts can be copied to the inventories of other objects, copied to your inventory or given to other players (assuming the script has the appropriate permissions set).

Scripts are written in LSL, a programming language created for Second Life. Its structure and syntax are similar to those of C and, to a lesser extent, Java. A script is organized into states and functions. States consist of a series of events.

Any object can have as many scripts on it as memory allows. Scripts have a length limit, but it's not usually a problem. You create a new script by going to the "Content" tab of an object's "Edit" box and clicking the "New Script..." button. This will open the script editor with the example script (which makes the object say "Hello, Avatar!" on its state_entry event and says "Touched" when touched). The default state is the state that the script first enters. The state_entry event is the first event that is called in a state. So, the code you want executed when the script first starts goes where llSay(0, "Hello Avatar"); is now. You end each statement in LSL with a semicolon (;). So, to say a few things in our state_entry, we would use:

llSay(0, "This is the first thing.");
llSay(0, "This is the second thing.");

The function llSay has two arguments: a channel and a message. The channel can be any integer. The message is a string, which is a group of alphanumeric characters enclosed in quotation marks (""). You must specify both or the script editor will give you an error and keep the script from running. For simple scripts that execute one segment of code on runtime, you only need to know about state_entry. But if you want the object to react to other things, you'll need to use multiple events. See the events page for a full list of them. The events are separate; you cannot put one event within another. Each event, state, and FlowControl call are kept separate by using { }. For example:

    // Now we are in the default state, but not in an event.
        // Now we are in state_entry, in the default state.
        if (1==1)
            // Now we are in an if/then logic [[block]]. The code inside the { } is executed if the logical evaluation made in the ( ) is true.
        // We are in state_entry. If the "if" statement was false, then execution would have skipped over the code inside the if's { } and resumed here.
    // We have now left state_entry, and are in the default state.
// Now we are outside of the default state, and any events that are associated with it.

NOTE: The double slashes (//) begin comments, so any text following the // on that line of code will be ignored by the LSL compiler. This is useful for placing notes about how your code works, or for adding notes to other scripters about what each block does, or for deactivating troublesome lines of code.

You define variables in LSL by giving the type of the variable (string, integer, list, etc) and then the name, followed by a semicolon (;). If you want them to be accessible in every event and every state, you define them before the "default" line. If you only want them avaliable to the function/event from which they were created, you put them in that function. For example:

string gStringName; // This is a global variable

        string gLocalString; // This is a local variable

If you want to use your own functions, define them at the top of the script, before the "default" state, using the standard block notation, for example:

MyFunction(integer channel, string message) // If you want the function to take inputs, put their type/name here, separated with commas.
    llSay(channel, message);
    llSay((channel+1), message);

        MyFunction(0, "Hello, Avatar");

This script says "Hello, Avatar" on channel 0 and 1.
To learn more about the things you can do with LSL, look at the function list. This is intended to be a guide to the basics of LSL scripting. If someone wants to add more basic information, feel free.

Quick Note: Typecasting

Many times, you are getting a string that you want to serve as a vector or key for a particular function call. In this case, you use what programmers call typecasting. Typecasting is a method of using one variable of type X as one of type Y temporarily.
To typecast in LSL, you prefix a variable reference with the type you want to cast to in parentheses, like this:

integer gInt = 1;
llSetText((string)gInt, <0,0,0>, (float)gInt);

So, when llSetText looks for a string of text, it changes the type of gInt from integer to string. Then, it is equal to "1", instead of 1. Also, the third argument of llSetText is a float, but you can supply an integer (in this case only 0 or 1) by simply typecasting it as a float. It's important to observe the distinctions between types, because operators behave differently on different types; if you're not aware of this, you may be surprised when you add "1" and "1" and get "11".

Quick Note: Formatting

Proper indentation is the most important part of any code or script. There are a couple indentation styles for scripting and as long as you pick one and are consistant with it that is good. Random is not a style. Here are some simple rules:

The default script follows this pattern and SL will do most of this for you if you were to type your code straight from begining to end and hit enter at the right places (after a statement, a { and a })

Why is this so important? For starters, although Ama Omega likes to help new people with their scripts; he will not help you, and may scold you, if you give him a poorly formatted script. The main reason, though, is that if your script has the proper formatting you can see what code is inside each loop, event, function, and state, including what variables are local to where. 99% of the scripts Ama Omega receives that won't compile do compile after the creator cleans up the code.

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