Jan 22, 2015 ˇ //To reset script on touch if the object has been rotated since the last script reset float gTolerance = 0.05; //This corresponds to about a 3 degree ...
Jan 22, 2015 ˇ llVecNorm, –, The vector normal. •, llVecDist, –, The distance between two vectors. Deep Notes. Search JIRA for related Issues. [Expand] ... Examples ˇ Notes
Jan 17, 2016 ˇ ... of the avatar touching this prim vector pos = llDetectedPos(0); // compute how far away they are float dist = llVecDist(pos, llGetPos() ); llSay(0, ... Summary ˇ Caveats ˇ Examples
Jan 22, 2015 ˇ ... now at: " + (string)ourpos); llOwnerSay("this is " + (string)llVecDist(targetpos, ourpos) + " meters from the target"); llTargetRemove(target_id); ...
//definition vector VecNorm(vector v) { return (v / VecMag(v)); } float VecMag( vector v) { return llSqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z); } float VecDist(vector a, vector b)  ...
children = llListReplaceList(children, [llVecDist(llList2Vector(children, i+1), goal)], i,i);. } // llOwnerSay("Length of Children " + (string)llGetListLength(children));.
while ( llVecDist( llGetPos(), startPosition) > 0.001) { llSetPos( startPosition ); } llSay( 0, "Object now resting and resetting script." ); llResetScript(); // return object  ...
この関数の内部処理は2次元座標における2点間の距離の計算と同様である。 座標(x1, y1)と(x2,y2)の距離 = (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1)の平方根. いわゆる三平方 ...
make v1-v3 the longest side integer i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { float a = llVecDist( v2, v3); float b = llVecDist(v1, v3); float c = llVecDist(v1, v2);
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