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2010/04/12 · 定数, 説明. VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, 44, 参照座標系。ローカル座標系に対する乗物の軸の回転。 警告. All Issues ~ Search JIRA for related Bugs. サンプル. 関連項目. 関数. •, llSetVehicleFloatParam, –, 乗物の float 型 ...
llSetVehicleRotationParam(integer param_name, rotation param_value) Sets the vehicle rotation parameter param_name to param_value. Valid parameters can be found under the Vehicles entry.
LSL Wiki : llSetVehicleRotationParam · HomePage :: PageIndex :: RecentChanges :: RecentlyCommented :: UserSettings :: You are 2005-08-16 19:51:54, by BlindWanderer · 2004-08-26 18:56:58, by EzharFairlight.
llSetVehicleRotationParam. llSetVehicleRotationParam. llSetVehicleRotationParam(integer param_name, rotation param_value). 機能概略. サンプル. Tips. 詳細な説明. History. 来客数: トークンチェックに失敗しました。 選択肢, 投票. 役に立った (0).
In these cases, you'll need to use llSetVehicleRotationParam() with a new VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME rotated appropriately. Table 7.6 summarizes these motor direction and rotation properties. TaBle 7.6: Vehicle PROPeRTies: ...
2019/08/31 · 1.1.1 changed() event; 1.1.2 llGetParcelDetails; 1.1.3 llRequestSimulatorData() and dataserver() event; 1.1.4 llDetectedType() and llSensor(); 1.1.5 llSetVehicleVectorParam(); 1.1.6 llSetVehicleRotationParam(); 1.1.7 ...
2008/01/17 · その他「llSetVehicleRotationParam」という関数もあるが、「 VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME」という定数のみ存在し、乗物の向きを設定することができる。 これでB〜Hブロックの大まかなパラメータの理解はできたと思う。詳細な設定など ...
... 355–357 llSetTextureAnim function, 370 llSetTimerEvent function, 124 llSetVehicleFlags function, 171 llSetVehicleFloatParam function, 171, 177, 353– 355, 357 llSetVehicleRotationParam function, 171 llSetVehicleType function, 171 , 315, ...
2016/04/19 · llSetVehicleVectorParam(). Name, Value, Description. VEHICLE_RANGE_BLOCK, 45. llSetVehicleRotationParam(). Name, Value, Description. VEHICLE_ROLL_FRAME, 46. llSetVehicleFlags() and llRemoveVehicleFlags() ...
2015/03/17 · 12 // Rev 1.1 04-14-2015 Vegaslon changed llSetVehicleRotationParam to reset all axes <0,0,0>. 13 // Ferd commented out useless code that assigned a var to itself and other vars that are never used. 14. 15 //---PERMISSION ...