Feb 3, 2019 · The name is limited to 63 characters. Longer prim names are cut short. Names can only consist of the 95 printable characters found in the ... Summary · Caveats · Examples · See Also
Jan 22, 2015 · llGetObjectDesc, –, Gets the prim description. •, llGetObjectName, –, Gets the prim name. •, llSetObjectName, –, Sets the prim name. Caveats · Examples
Using llSetObjectName on the "server object" and llKey2Name on the "client object" can allow object to object communications within the same sim up to 255  ...
Sep 13, 2017 · Summary, 0008240: llSetObjectName() gets confused with more than 63 characters and sets object name to empty string. Description, From the ...
llSetObjectName(llList2String(messageParts,0)); // delete the first word. messageParts = llDeleteSubList(messageParts,0,0); // use an emote to ...
Patch For Parcel Relay. In script where (listen event):. llSetObjectName(name);. Replace with: string displayName = llGetDisplayName(id);. if ( displayName != "?
... string message) { string realname = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName( name); llSay(0, message); llSetObjectName(realname); CHAPTER 3 Talking To an ...
default { state_entry() { Pos = llGetPos(); Scale = llGetScale(); Diff = Scale.z / 24; llSetObjectName(OName); state Off; } on_rez(integer start_param) ...
WARNING: // // llSetObjectName(string name); sets the name of the prim containing the script. // // to set the name of a linkset's root prim use ...
... <0,0,0>, 1.0); //llOwnerSay("default state"); //initially off currentState = 0; llSetObjectName("0:created"); llSetAlpha(0.1, ALL_SIDES); llSetColor(<0.0,0.0, 0.0>, ...