long long int llabs (long long int n);. Absolute value. Returns the absolute value of parameter n ( /n/ ). This is the long long int version of abs .
Feb 9, 2019 · If std::abs is called with an argument of type X such that std::is_unsigned<X>:: value is true and X cannot be converted to int by integral ...
Jun 11, 2015 · Defined in header <stdlib.h>. int abs( int n );. long labs( long n );. long long llabs( long long n );. (since C99). Defined in header <inttypes.h>.
General description. The llabs() function calculates the absolute value of its long long integer argument n. The result is undefined when the argument is equal to ...
Apr 4, 2018 · int abs( int n ); long labs( long n ); long long llabs( long long n ) ... The abs, labs, llabs and _abs64 functions return the absolute value of the ...
Jan 21, 2015 · Here's a more elaborate example. ShowAbsolute(integer inputInteger) { string output = "llAbs(" + (string)inputInteger + ") --> " + ...
The abs() function computes the absolute value of the integer argument j. The labs(), llabs() and imaxabs() functions compute the absolute value of the ...
abs(), labs(), llabs() functions are defined in cstdlib header file. These functions return the absolute value of integer that is input to them as their argument.
Name llabs Synopsis Gives the absolute value of a long long integer #include long longllabs( long long n ); The parameter and the return value of llabs() are .