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LSL Wiki : LibraryDayofWeek

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//By Richard Solvang
//Sunday, July 31, 2005
//Based on function referenced from

string GetDay(float year, float month, float date)
    if(month < 3) {month += 12; --year;}        // These lines mathematicly translate
    integer N = (integer)date;                  // Date, Month and year
    N += (integer)(2.0 * month);                // into a number which represents
    N += llFloor(3.0 * (month + 1.0) / 5.0);    // a given day of the week.
    N += (integer)year;                         // 0 = Saturday     1 = Sunday
    N += llFloor(year / 4.0);                   // 2 = Monday       3 = Tuesday
    N -= llFloor(year / 100.0);                 // 4 = Wednesday    5 = Thursday
    N += llFloor(year / 400.0);                 // 6 = Friday
    N += 2;                                     //
    N = N % 7;                                  // The rest of the function
                                                // translates the number
                                                // into the name of the day.

    string day;
    if(N == 0) day = "Saturday";
    else if(N == 1) day = "Sunday";
    else if(N == 2) day = "Monday";
    else if(N == 3) day = "Tuesday";
    else if(N == 4) day = "Wednesday";
    else if(N == 5) day = "Thursday";
    else if(N == 6) day = "Friday";
    return day;

If this interests you take a look at and - RichardSolvang

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