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Q: Recursion no work:
This is probably an intentional design decision, but I've recently discovered a situation where I would've liked to have used breadth-first recursion to solve a problem and realized that LSL doesn't seem to support it. Just a warning that a function calling itself within a turing machine doesn't work in LSL. The compiler doesn't even catch it so you won't get an error report if you try it.
recursive( integer int ) {
    if( int > 0 && !(int = 0) ) {
        llSay(0, "Called recursive( "+(string)int+" )!";
        recursive( int );
Will not produce an error message, but won't work either.

Thats because that code is flawed. You mixed up your == and =
Why were you even checking for zero?
Anyway you should have a look at the Operators page
Try this:

recursive( integer int ) {
    if( int > 0 ) {
        llSay(0, "Called recursive( "+(string)int+" )!";
        recursive( int );
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