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LSL Wiki : FunctionUnescape

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Takes a string and unescapes "\" style escape codes
\nnew line
\ttab (4 spaces)
\uxxxxxxxx is a hex string, of the unicode character 0000xxxx
\Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a hex string, of the unicode character xxxxxxxx
\hXxxx...X is a hex character, it's value is the number of pairs of hex characters that follow it, is a raw byte of a utf-8 string, be sure they are valid characters
Two versions of the function, one works entirely by string functions, the other by list & string.
The one that uses lists is slower.

string byte2hex(integer x)
{//Helper function for use with unicode characters.
    string hexc="0123456789ABCDEF";
    return llGetSubString(hexc, x = ((x >> 4) & 0xF), x) + llGetSubString(hexc, x & 0xF, x & 0xF);
string Unescape(string a)
//Please visit the website for instructions about this function (and view it's talk page for the authors notes)
    string  b = a;
    integer c = -1;
    integer d;
    integer e;
    integer f = 0; 
    string g;
    while(d = -~llSubStringIndex(b, "\\"))
        c += d;
        if(2 < e = llSubStringIndex("uUhts\"\\n",llGetSubString(b,d,d)))
            a = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(a,c,-~c), c, llGetSubString("     \"\\\n",e * (e !=3), e));
        else if(e==2)//rx[11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,FF]
            g = "";
            e = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(b,-~d,-~d)) << 1;
            if(d - ~e >= (f = llStringLength(b)))
                e = (f - d) & -2;
                b += "0";
            if((f = e))//this may look like a mistake, it's not
                    g = "%"+llGetSubString(b,d + e,d - ~e) + g;
                while((e-=2) > 0);
            a = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(a,c, c + 2 + f),c, g = llUnescapeURL(g));
            c += ~-llStringLength(g);//add to c so we don't accidentily unescape result
        else if(~e)// \uXXXX or  \UXXXXXXXX
            a = llDeleteSubString(a, c, c + 5 + (e = e << 4));
            if(0 < e = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(b,-~d, d +4 + e)))
                if (e >= 0x4000000)// || i < 0)//if only unicode supported negives...
                    f = 5;
                else if (e >= 0x200000)
                    f = 4;
                else if (e >= 0x10000)
                    f = 3;
                else if (e >= 0x800)
                    f = 2;
                    f = (e >= 0x80);
                g = "%" + byte2hex((e >> (6 * f)) | ((0x7F80 >> f) << !f));
                    g += "%" + byte2hex((((e >> (6 * (f=~-f))) | 0x80) & 0xBF));
                a = llInsertString(a, c, llUnescapeURL(g));
        b = llDeleteSubString(a,0,c);
    return a;

string UnescapeTight(string a)
{//Requires less memory then the other two versions
//Please visit the website for instructions about this function (and view it's talk page for the authors notes)
    string  b = a;
    integer c = -1;
    integer f = 0;
    integer d = -~llSubStringIndex(b, "\\");
        integer e = llSubStringIndex("uUhts\"\\n", llGetSubString(a, -~(c += d), -~c));
        if(2 < e)
            a = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(a,c, -~c), c, llGetSubString("     \"\\\n", e * (e != 3), e));
        else if(e == 2)
            if(c+(e = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(a,c+2,c+2)) << 1)+2 >= (f = llStringLength(b)))
                e = (f + ~d) & -2;
            if((f = e))//this may look like a mistake, it's not
                b = "";
                    b = "%"+llGetSubString(a,c - ~e,c + e + 2) + b;
                while((e-=2) > 0);
            a = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(a,c, c + f + 2),c, b = llUnescapeURL(b));
            c = c + ~-llStringLength(b);//add to c so we don't accidentily unescape result
        else if(~e)// \uXXXX or  \UXXXXXXXX
            a = llDeleteSubString(a, c, c - ~(e = 4 << e));
            if(0 < e = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(b, -~d, d + e)))
                b = "%" + byte2hex((e >> (6 * f)) | ((0x7F80 >> f) <<
                    !(f = ((e >= 0x80) + (e >= 0x800) + (e >= 0x10000) + (e >= 0x200000) + (e >= 0x4000000)))));
                    b += "%" + byte2hex((((e >> (6 * (f=~-f))) | 0x80) & 0xBF));
                a = llInsertString(a, c, llUnescapeURL(b));
        b = llDeleteSubString(a,0,c);
        jump loop;
    return a;

string UnescapeSlow(string a)
//Please visit the website for instructions about this function (and view it's talk page for the authors notes)
//                        0    1   2    3   4   5   6   7
    list b = llCSV2List("\\\\,\\n,\\\",\\t,\\s,\\h,\\u,\\U");//"//wiki fix; slightly less memory then a staticly allocated list
    list c = llParseString2List(a,[a = ""],b);//totaly wrong way to wipe "a" but it cleans up the stack nicely
    integer d = ([] != c);
    string f;
    integer g;
    integer e;
    while(d & 0x80000000)
        if(~g = llListFindList(b, llList2List(c,d,d)))
            if(g < 5)
                f += llGetSubString("\\\n\"\t",g,g - ((g == 3) << 2));
                e = ((g > 5) << (g == 7)) << 2;
                string h = llList2String(c, -~d);
                integer i = llStringLength(h);
                if(d < -2 && e > i)//no point if there is only 1 entry left.
                {//misformated string handler
                    i = llStringLength(h = llDeleteSubString(a = (string)llDeleteSubList(c, 0, d), e, -1));
                    d = -2 - ((c = llParseString2List(llGetSubString(a, e, -1),[a = ""],b)) != []);
                if(g == 5)
                    if((g = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(h,0,0))))
                    {//no point if it is zero
                        e = -~(g << 1);
                        g = 8;
                        jump funk;//we adjust e to reflect the dynamic nature of the value.
                        //then we can parse it staticly, well almost.
                    else if(~llListFindList(b, [h]))//catch for "\\\\"
                    {//oh you are evil, trying to break the script, we won't have any of that
                        d = ~((c = llParseString2List(llDeleteSubString((string)llDeleteSubList(c, 0, d), 0, 0),[],b)) != []);
                    else//remove the required character and clean-up the list. 
                    {//Since we are using negitive indexs, we don't need to recalc them
                        c = llDeleteSubString(h,0,0) + llDeleteSubList(c, 0, -~d);
                    if(g == 8)
                    {//adds extra characters.
                        if(i & 0xFFFffFFE)
                            a = llGetSubString(h, 1, i = (e & -2));
                                a = llInsertString(a,i-=2,"%");
                    else //if(g == 6 || g == 7)
                        a = "";
                        if(0 < i = (integer)("0x"+llDeleteSubString(h, e, 0x7FFFFFFE)))
                            if (i >= 0x4000000)// || i < 0)//if only unicode supported negives...
                                g = 5;
                            else if (i >= 0x200000)
                                g = 4;
                            else if (i >= 0x10000)
                                g = 3;
                            else if (i >= 0x800)
                                g = 2;
                                g = (i >= 0x80);
                            a = "%" + byte2hex((i >> (6 * g)) | ((0x7F80 >> g) << !g));
                                a += "%" + byte2hex((((i >> (6 * (g=~-g))) | 0x80) & 0xBF));
                    f += llUnescapeURL(a) + llDeleteSubString(h,0,~-e);
            f += llList2String(c,d);
        d += 2 >> !e;
    return f;

        string a = "-\\h3414243\\h3444546\\\"\\uFFFD";
        integer c = 50; 
        integer b = c;
        float e;
        e = llGetTime();
        b = c;
        e = llGetTime();
        b = c;
        e = llGetTime();
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