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LSL Wiki : llListReplaceList

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list llListReplaceList(list dest, list src, integer start, integer end)

Returns a list replacing the slice of the list dest from start to end with the list src. start and end are inclusive, so 0, 1 would replace the first two entries and 0, 0 would replace only the first list entry.

Using negative numbers for start and/or end causes the index to count backwards from the length of the list, so 0, -1 would replace the entire list.

If start is larger than end, the list returned is the list between start and end followed by src, so 6, 4 would return the 5th entry with src after that.

Example of Slices:
// (Note that this is not real code.)
list    foo = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"];
list    bar = ["0", "1"];
list    zot;
zot = llListReplaceList(foo, bar, 2, 5); // returns ["a", "b", "0", "1", "g"]
zot = llListReplaceList(foo, bar, 4, -1); // returns ["a", "b", "c", "d", "0", "1"]
zot = llListReplaceList(foo, bar, 4, 1); // returns ["c", "d", "0", "1"]

llListReplaceList does not manipulate dest directly. The list returned by this function is the modified version of the dest. See the following example:

Functional Example:
default {
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        list foo = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"];
        list bar = ["0", "1"];
        foo = llListReplaceList(foo, bar, 2, 5); // to really return ["a", "b", "0", "1", "g"]
        // or done with the list hack
        foo = (foo=[]) + llListReplaceList(foo, bar, 2, 5); // to really return ["a", "b", "0", "1", "g"]

To replace a stride in the list:
list UpdateSubListStrided(list src, list stride, integer start, integer stride_len) {
    return llListReplaceList(src, stride, start, start + stride_len - 1);

Question: Does the slice definied by start and end need to be the same length as src?
Answer: No, you can replace a slice with a longer or smaller src.

Question: I don't get it. It's not replacing my list.
Answer: No, llListReplaceList doesn't actually manipulate dest directly, rather it returns a new list containing the results. To manipulate a list directly, you need to do something like the functional example above. Alternatively, you can pass the result to a new list, and keep the original the same.

Compare with llList2List, llList2ListStrided, llListInsertList, llDeleteSubList, llList2Float, llList2Integer, llList2Key, llList2Rot, llList2String and llList2Vector.

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the examples above don't really work because of the subtil note: "This function does not manipulate dest directly. The list returned by this function is the modified version of the dest."

        llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        list foo = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"];
        list bar = ["0", "1"];
        foo = llListReplaceList(foo, bar, 2, 5); // to really return ["a", "b", "0", "1", "g"]
-- NonnuxWhite (2005-07-03 04:41:27)
Not sure what you are talking about. This seems fine to me.
-- JippenFaddoul (2006-08-30 19:38:42)
A little confused here. This says "0, 1 would replace the entire list." Wouldn't 0,1 just replace the first two elements of the list?
-- JamalMfume (2006-10-02 04:32:31)
I corrected that. It would be entire list if the list only contained 2 entries. It now reads 0, 1 will replace only first two entries
-- AakanaarLaSalle (2006-10-02 13:50:45)
Am I right, that passing a list bigger than 8K (half of the script free memory) and modyfying it slightly enough to not impact result size, will trigger a stack/heap collision?
Which greatly reduces usability of this function to manipulate lists as data storage devices...?
-- TobasDryke (2007-07-03 02:59:57)
Is memory that is no longer accessible released for future use (garbage collect?) or is it simply wasted?
-- HeusDens (2007-08-01 20:08:37)
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