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LSL Wiki : llGetListEntryType

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integer llGetListEntryType(list src, integer index)

Returns the type of the variable at index in src. One of the following constants is returned:

Constant Value Function
TYPE_INTEGER 1 Indicates that the list entry is holding an integer.
TYPE_FLOAT 2 Indicates that the list entry is holding a float.
TYPE_STRING 3 Indicates that the list entry is holding a string.
TYPE_KEY 4 Indicates that the list entry is holding a key.
TYPE_VECTOR 5 Indicates that the list entry is holding a vector.
TYPE_ROTATION 6 Indicates that the list entry is holding a rotation.
TYPE_INVALID 0 Indicates that this wasn't a valid list entry.
Occurs when passing an index greater then the length of the list or less then the negative length of the list.

Example at llCSV2List.

Note that it's possible to have a list entry be a string consisting of "<1,1,1>". This will not return TYPE_VECTOR; it will return TYPE_STRING. The same is true of other types.

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