Jan 22, 2015 · Payment to a prim can be blocked by the llSetPayPrice() setting in the prim, which persists even if the script with llSetPayPrice() is removed.
Jun 27, 2017 · The pay buttons should be configured in most applications where money is being transfered (llSetPayPrice), it makes paying money to the ... Specification · Caveats · Examples
Oct 12, 2008 · [OVERVIEW] This test has been designed to exercise the LLSetPayPrice LSL function. [SETUP] This test requires 1 Tester and rezzable land.
Jul 30, 2008 · llSetPayPrice. Deep Notes. Search JIRA for related Issues. Source. 'linden\indra\ llcommon\lllslconstants.h' as PAY_PRICE_DEFAULT. [Expand] ...
Sets the values of the buttons and the text box default for the Pay dialog -- when a user right-clicks on the object and selects "Pay", llSetPayPrice will affect what ...
Syntax llSetPayPrice(integer price, list quick_pay_buttons); llSetPayPrice(integer price, [integer button1, integer button2, integer button3, integer button4]); When ...
default { on_rez(integer p) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetPayPrice( SUGGESTED,[SUGGESTED/2,SUGGESTED,SUGGESTED*2,SUGGESTED*4]);  ...
The llSetPayPrice() function seems to be unavailable in the scripting engine Kitely is using - it stops the script event silently, like other functions ...
Jul 26, 2011 · llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [1,2,3,4]); the first PAY_HIDE means to hide the box to enter in any number to pay. Then after the comma is a list of ...