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LSL Wiki : LindenDollar

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Linden Dollar

A Linden dollar (L$, "LindenBucks", or "Lindens") is the monetary currency used in Second Life.

As of March 17, 2006, the current exchange rate is approximately L$281 per USD$1.00, or about USD$3.50 for L$1,000. Because of the state of the economy, the exchange rate is constantly changing. See the LindeX currency exchange for current market rates.

llGetPermissions Determine whether the permission PERMISSION_DEBIT has been granted.
llGiveMoney Pay L$ from the owner's account to another user. (Requires PERMISSION_DEBIT be granted.)
llRequestPermissions Request the permission PERMISSION_DEBIT.
llSetPayPrice Set the values of the "Quick Pay" buttons in the "Pay" dialog box.

When an object is paid money, the money() event is triggered.

money | Linden
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It's pointless to keep updating the exchange rate; a link to the website is sufficient, don't you think?
-- EepQuirk (2006-03-07 02:35:58)
If someone wishes to update the exchage rate to a more current example, what's the sense in griefing them for it? The information provided in the example may give someone better understanding, and there is no harm in using current examples. Let's stick to providing accurate content.
-- BurnmanBedlam (2006-06-18 16:48:36)
Um, how am I griefing someone by saying it's pointless, Burnman? Let's stick to not being unnecessarily redundant.
-- EepQuirk (2006-06-18 18:03:47)
Updating figures to current values is not redundant, it simply makes an example current. If someone wishes to update the exchange rate values listed above, there is no harm in it, and the only purpose I can see in doing so is to cause grief. If you don't want to update the value... then don't. If someone else wants to, why do you care?
-- BurnmanBedlam (2006-06-18 18:23:36)
Whatever, Burnman. Enjoy your self-created hell.
-- EepQuirk (2006-06-18 18:39:28)
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