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XyText v1.2 -- llSetText Alternative

... continued from XyText

XyText 5face Single Character Texture

Modified by KermittQuirk 2006/01/19/01 to add support for 5 face prim instead of 3

The best balance between number of textures and number of prims.

Prim setup: Create generic object, insert script to transform it.
// XyText Prim Setup
// Written by Gearsawe Stonecutter

string FACE_TEXTURE = "09b04244-9569-d21f-6de0-4bbcf5552222";
string  TRANSPARENT = "701917a8-d614-471f-13dd-5f4644e36e3c";

          PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_PRISM, PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT, <0.199, 0.8, 0.0>, 0.68,
            ZERO_VECTOR, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR,
          // display a default face texture
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 1, FACE_TEXTURE, <2.48, 1.0, 0.0>, <-0.740013, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 6, FACE_TEXTURE, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, FACE_TEXTURE, <-14.75, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.130009, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 7, FACE_TEXTURE, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 3, FACE_TEXTURE, <2.48, 1.0, 0.0>, <-0.255989, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          // show transparent textures for the other sides
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, TRANSPARENT, <0.1, 0.1, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 2, TRANSPARENT, <0.1, 0.1, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 5, TRANSPARENT, <0.1, 0.1, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,

          PRIM_SIZE, <0.03, 2.89, 0.5>

        // Remove ourselves from inventory.

Main script: drop in each display prim.
// XyText v1.2 Script (5 Face, Single Texture)
// Written by Xylor Baysklef
// Modified by Kermitt Quirk 19/01/2006
// To add support for 5 face prim instead of 3

/////////////// CONSTANTS ///////////////////
// XyText Message Map.
integer DISPLAY_STRING      = 204000;
integer DISPLAY_EXTENDED    = 204001;
integer REMAP_INDICES       = 204002;
integer RESET_INDICES       = 204003;
integer SET_CELL_INFO       = 204004;
integer SET_FONT_TEXTURE    = 204005;
integer SET_THICKNESS       = 204006;
integer SET_COLOR           = 204007;

// This is an extended character escape sequence.
string  ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = "\\e";

// This is used to get an index for the extended character.
string  EXTENDED_INDEX  = "12345";

// Face numbers.
integer FACE_1          = 3;
integer FACE_2          = 7;
integer FACE_3          = 4;
integer FACE_4          = 6;
integer FACE_5          = 1;

// Used to hide the text after a fade-out.
key     TRANSPARENT     = "701917a8-d614-471f-13dd-5f4644e36e3c";
///////////// END CONSTANTS ////////////////

///////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ///////////////
// This is the key of the font we are displaying.
key     gFontTexture        = "b2e7394f-5e54-aa12-6e1c-ef327b6bed9e";
// All displayable characters.  Default to ASCII order.
string gCharIndex;
// This is the channel to listen on while acting
// as a cell in a larger display.
integer gCellChannel        = -1;
// This is the starting character position in the cell channel message
// to render.
integer gCellCharPosition   = 0;
// This is whether or not to use the fade in/out special effect.
integer gCellUseFading      = FALSE;
// This is how long to display the text before fading out (if using
// fading special effect).
// Note: < 0  means don't fade out.
float   gCellHoldDelay      = 1.0;
/////////// END GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////

ResetCharIndex() {
   gCharIndex  = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`";
   // \" <-- Fixes LSL syntax highlighting bug.
   gCharIndex += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
   gCharIndex += "\n\n\n\n\n";

vector GetGridOffset(integer index) {
   // Calculate the offset needed to display this character.
   integer Row = index / 10;
   integer Col = index % 10;

   // Return the offset in the texture.
   return <-0.45 + 0.1 * Col, 0.45 - 0.1 * Row, 0.0>;

ShowChars(vector grid_offset1, vector grid_offset2, vector grid_offset3, vector grid_offset4, vector grid_offset5) {
   // Set the primitive textures directly.
   // <-0.256, 0, 0>
   // <0, 0, 0>
   // <0.130, 0, 0>
   // <0, 0, 0>
   // <-0.74, 0, 0>
   llSetPrimitiveParams( [
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_1, (string)gFontTexture, <0.12, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset1 + <0.037, 0, 0>, 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_2, (string)gFontTexture, <0.05, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset2, 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_3, (string)gFontTexture, <-0.74, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset3 - <0.244, 0, 0>, 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_4, (string)gFontTexture, <0.05, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset4, 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_5, (string)gFontTexture, <0.12, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset5 - <0.037, 0, 0>, 0.0

RenderString(string str) {
   // Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
   vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)) );
   vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)) );
   vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)) );
   vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)) );
   vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)) );

   // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
   ShowChars(GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5);

RenderWithEffects(string str) {
   // Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
   vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)) );
   vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)) );
   vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)) );
   vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)) );
   vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)) );

   // First set the alpha to the lowest possible.
   llSetAlpha(0.05, ALL_SIDES);

   // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
   ShowChars(GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5);          // Now turn up the alpha until it is at full strength.
    float Alpha;
    for (Alpha = 0.10; Alpha <= 1.0; Alpha += 0.05)
       llSetAlpha(Alpha, ALL_SIDES);
          // See if we want to fade out as well.
   if (gCellHoldDelay < 0.0)
       // No, bail out. (Just keep showing the string at full strength).
          // Hold the text for a while.
      // Now fade out.
   for (Alpha = 0.95; Alpha >= 0.05; Alpha -= 0.05)
       llSetAlpha(Alpha, ALL_SIDES);
          // Make the text transparent to fully hide it.

RenderExtended(string str) {
   // Look for escape sequences.
   list Parsed       = llParseString2List(str, [], [ESCAPE_SEQUENCE]);
   integer ParsedLen = llGetListLength(Parsed);

   // Create a list of index values to work with.
   list Indices;
   // We start with room for 5 indices.
   integer IndicesLeft = 5;

   integer i;
   string Token;
   integer Clipped;
   integer LastWasEscapeSequence = FALSE;
   // Work from left to right.
   for (i = 0; i < ParsedLen && IndicesLeft > 0; i++) {
       Token = llList2String(Parsed, i);

       // If this is an escape sequence, just set the flag and move on.
       if (Token == ESCAPE_SEQUENCE) {
           LastWasEscapeSequence = TRUE;
       else { // Token != ESCAPE_SEQUENCE
           // Otherwise this is a normal token.  Check its length.
           Clipped = FALSE;
           integer TokenLength = llStringLength(Token);
           // Clip if necessary.
           if (TokenLength > IndicesLeft) {
               Token = llGetSubString(Token, 0, IndicesLeft - 1);
               TokenLength = llStringLength(Token);
               IndicesLeft = 0;
               Clipped = TRUE;
               IndicesLeft -= TokenLength;

           // Was the previous token an escape sequence?
           if (LastWasEscapeSequence) {
               // Yes, the first character is an escape character, the rest are normal.

               // This is the extended character.
               Indices += [llSubStringIndex(EXTENDED_INDEX, llGetSubString(Token, 0, 0)) + 95];

               // These are the normal characters.
               integer j;
               for (j = 1; j < TokenLength; j++)
                   Indices += [llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(Token, j, j))];
           else { // Normal string.
               // Just add the characters normally.
               integer j;
               for (j = 0; j < TokenLength; j++)
                   Indices += [llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(Token, j, j))];

           // Unset this flag, since this was not an escape sequence.
           LastWasEscapeSequence = FALSE;

   // Use the indices to create grid positions.
   vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset( llList2Integer(Indices, 0));
   vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset( llList2Integer(Indices, 1) );
   vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset( llList2Integer(Indices, 2) );
   vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset( llList2Integer(Indices, 3) );
   vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset( llList2Integer(Indices, 4) );

   // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
   ShowChars(GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5);

integer ConvertIndex(integer index) {
   // This converts from an ASCII based index to our indexing scheme.
   if (index >= 32) // ' ' or higher
       index -= 32;
   else { // index < 32
       // Quick bounds check.
       if (index > 15)
           index = 15;

       index += 94; // extended characters

   return index;

default {
   state_entry() {
       // Initialize the character index.

   link_message(integer sender, integer channel, string data, key id) {
       if (channel == DISPLAY_STRING) {
       if (channel == DISPLAY_EXTENDED) {
       if (channel == gCellChannel) {
           // Extract the characters we are interested in, and use those to render.
           string TextToRender = llGetSubString(data, gCellCharPosition, gCellCharPosition + 4);
                      // See if we need to show special effects.
           if (gCellUseFading)
               RenderWithEffects( TextToRender );
           else // !gCellUseFading
               RenderString( TextToRender );
       if (channel == REMAP_INDICES) {
           // Parse the message, splitting it up into index values.
           list Parsed = llCSV2List(data);
           integer i;
           // Go through the list and swap each pair of indices.
           for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(Parsed); i += 2) {
               integer Index1 = ConvertIndex( llList2Integer(Parsed, i) );
               integer Index2 = ConvertIndex( llList2Integer(Parsed, i + 1) );

               // Swap these index values.
               string Value1 = llGetSubString(gCharIndex, Index1, Index1);
               string Value2 = llGetSubString(gCharIndex, Index2, Index2);

               gCharIndex = llDeleteSubString(gCharIndex, Index1, Index1);
               gCharIndex = llInsertString(gCharIndex, Index1, Value2);

               gCharIndex = llDeleteSubString(gCharIndex, Index2, Index2);
               gCharIndex = llInsertString(gCharIndex, Index2, Value1);
       if (channel == RESET_INDICES) {
           // Restore the character index back to default settings.
       if (channel == SET_CELL_INFO) {
           // Change the channel we listen to for cell commands, the
           // starting character position to extract from, and
           // special effect attributes.
           list Parsed = llCSV2List(data);
           gCellChannel        = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 0);
           gCellCharPosition   = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 1);
           gCellUseFading      = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 2);
           gCellHoldDelay      = (float)   llList2String(Parsed, 3);
       if (channel == SET_FONT_TEXTURE) {
           // Use the new texture instead of the current one.
           gFontTexture = id;
           // Change the currently shown texture.
           llSetTexture(gFontTexture, FACE_1);
           llSetTexture(gFontTexture, FACE_2);
           llSetTexture(gFontTexture, FACE_3);
           llSetTexture(gFontTexture, FACE_4);
           llSetTexture(gFontTexture, FACE_5);
       if (channel == SET_THICKNESS) {
           // Set our z scale to thickness, while staying fixed
           // in position relative the prim below us.
           vector Scale    = llGetScale();
           float Thickness = (float) data;
                      // Reposition only if this isn't the root prim.
           integer ThisLink = llGetLinkNumber();
           if (ThisLink != 0 || ThisLink != 1) {
               // This is not the root prim.
               vector Up = llRot2Up(llGetLocalRot());
               float DistanceToMove = Thickness / 2.0 - Scale.z / 2.0;
               vector Pos = llGetLocalPos();
               llSetPos(Pos + DistanceToMove * Up);
                      // Apply the new thickness.
           Scale.z = Thickness;
       if (channel == SET_COLOR) {
           vector newColor = (vector)data;
           llSetColor(newColor, ALL_SIDES);

XyText 5face Double Character Texture

Modified by ThraxisEpsilon 2006-01-20 to add support for 10 characters per prim

Prim setup: Create generic object, insert script to transform it.
// XyText v1.0.3 Prim Setup Script (5 Face, Multi Texture)
// Modified by Thraxis Epsilon January 20, 2006

string FACE_TEXTURE = "09b04244-9569-d21f-6de0-4bbcf5552222";
string  TRANSPARENT = "701917a8-d614-471f-13dd-5f4644e36e3c";

          PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_PRISM, PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE, <0.199, 0.8, 0.0>, 0.30,
            ZERO_VECTOR, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR,
          // display a default face texture
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 1, FACE_TEXTURE, <2.48, 1.0, 0.0>, <-0.740013, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 6, FACE_TEXTURE, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, FACE_TEXTURE, <-14.75, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.130009, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 7, FACE_TEXTURE, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 3, FACE_TEXTURE, <2.48, 1.0, 0.0>, <-0.255989, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0,

          // show transparent textures for the other sides
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, TRANSPARENT, <0.1, 0.1, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 2, TRANSPARENT, <0.1, 0.1, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,
          PRIM_TEXTURE, 5, TRANSPARENT, <0.1, 0.1, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,

          PRIM_SIZE, <0.03, 2.89, 0.5>

        // Remove ourselves from inventory.

Main script: drop in each display prim.
// XyText v1.0.3 Script (5 Face, Multi Texture)
// Written by Xylor Baysklef
// Modified by Thraxis Epsilon January 20, 2006
// Added Support for 5 Face Prim, based on modification
// of XyText v1.1.1 by Kermitt Quick for Single Texture.

/////////////// CONSTANTS ///////////////////
// XyText Message Map.
integer DISPLAY_STRING      = 204000;
integer DISPLAY_EXTENDED    = 204001;
integer REMAP_INDICES       = 204002;
integer RESET_INDICES       = 204003;
integer SET_CELL_INFO       = 204004;
integer SET_THICKNESS       = 204006;
integer SET_COLOR           = 204007;

// This is an extended character escape sequence.
string  ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = "\\e";

// This is used to get an index for the extended character.
string  EXTENDED_INDEX  = "123456789abcdef";

// Face numbers.
integer FACE_1          = 3;
integer FACE_2          = 7;
integer FACE_3          = 4;
integer FACE_4          = 6;
integer FACE_5          = 1;

// Used to hide the text after a fade-out.
key     TRANSPARENT     = "701917a8-d614-471f-13dd-5f4644e36e3c";
// This is a list of textures for all 2-character combinations.
list    CHARACTER_GRID  = [
        //"462a9226-2a97-91ac-2d89-57ab33334b78", Missing from database, replacement supplied
        //"8612ae9a-f53c-5bf4-2899-8174d7abc4fd",Missing from database, replacement supplied

///////////// END CONSTANTS ////////////////

///////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ///////////////
// All displayable characters.  Default to ASCII order.
string gCharIndex;
// This is the channel to listen on while acting
// as a cell in a larger display.
integer gCellChannel      = -1;
// This is the starting character position in the cell channel message
// to render.
integer gCellCharPosition = 0;
// This is whether or not to use the fade in/out special effect.
integer gCellUseFading      = FALSE;
// This is how long to display the text before fading out (if using
// fading special effect).
// Note: < 0  means don't fade out.
float   gCellHoldDelay      = 1.0;
/////////// END GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////

ResetCharIndex() {
    gCharIndex  = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`";
    // \" <-- Fixes LSL syntax highlighting bug.
    gCharIndex += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
    gCharIndex += "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";

vector GetGridPos(integer index1, integer index2) {
    // There are two ways to use the lookup table...
    integer Col;
    integer Row;
    if (index1 >= index2) {
        // In this case, the row is the index of the first character:
        Row = index1;
        // And the col is the index of the second character (x2)
        Col = index2 * 2;
    else { // Index1 < Index2
        // In this case, the row is the index of the second character:
        Row = index2;
        // And the col is the index of the first character, x2, offset by 1.
        Col = index1 * 2 + 1;
    return <Col, Row, 0>;

string GetGridTexture(vector grid_pos) {
    // Calculate the texture in the grid to use.
    integer GridCol = llRound(grid_pos.x) / 20;
    integer GridRow = llRound(grid_pos.y) / 10;

    // Lookup the texture.
    key Texture = llList2Key(CHARACTER_GRID, GridRow * (GridRow + 1) / 2 + GridCol);
    return Texture;

vector GetGridOffset(vector grid_pos) {
    // Zoom in on the texture showing our character pair.
    integer Col = llRound(grid_pos.x) % 20;
    integer Row = llRound(grid_pos.y) % 10;

    // Return the offset in the texture.
    return <-0.45 + 0.05 * Col, 0.45 - 0.1 * Row, 0.0>;

ShowChars(vector grid_pos1, vector grid_pos2, vector grid_pos3, vector grid_pos4, vector grid_pos5) {
   // Set the primitive textures directly.
   llSetPrimitiveParams( [
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_1, GetGridTexture(grid_pos1), <0.25, 0.1, 0>, GetGridOffset(grid_pos1) + <0.075, 0, 0>, 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_2, GetGridTexture(grid_pos2), <0.1, 0.1, 0>, GetGridOffset(grid_pos2), 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_3, GetGridTexture(grid_pos3), <-1.48, 0.1, 0>, GetGridOffset(grid_pos3)+ <0.37, 0, 0>, 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_4, GetGridTexture(grid_pos4), <0.1, 0.1, 0>, GetGridOffset(grid_pos4), 0.0,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_5, GetGridTexture(grid_pos5), <0.25, 0.1, 0>, GetGridOffset(grid_pos5) - <0.075, 0, 0>, 0.0

RenderString(string str) {
    // Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
    vector GridPos1 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)) );
    vector GridPos2 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)) );
    vector GridPos3 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 5, 5)) );
    vector GridPos4 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 6, 6)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 7, 7)) );
    vector GridPos5 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 8, 8)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 9, 9)) );                                   

    // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
    ShowChars(GridPos1, GridPos2, GridPos3, GridPos4, GridPos5);

RenderWithEffects(string str) {
    // Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
    vector GridPos1 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)) );
    vector GridPos2 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)) );
    vector GridPos3 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 5, 5)) );
    vector GridPos4 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 6, 6)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 7, 7)) );
    vector GridPos5 = GetGridPos( llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 8, 8)),
                                  llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 9, 9)) );                                   

      // First set the alpha to the lowest possible.
   llSetAlpha(0.05, ALL_SIDES);

    // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
    ShowChars(GridPos1, GridPos2, GridPos3, GridPos4, GridPos5);

    float Alpha;
    for (Alpha = 0.10; Alpha <= 1.0; Alpha += 0.05)
       llSetAlpha(Alpha, ALL_SIDES);
          // See if we want to fade out as well.
   if (gCellHoldDelay < 0.0)
       // No, bail out. (Just keep showing the string at full strength).
          // Hold the text for a while.
      // Now fade out.
   for (Alpha = 0.95; Alpha >= 0.05; Alpha -= 0.05)
       llSetAlpha(Alpha, ALL_SIDES);
          // Make the text transparent to fully hide it.

RenderExtended(string str) {
    // Look for escape sequences.
    list Parsed       = llParseString2List(str, [], [ESCAPE_SEQUENCE]);
    integer ParsedLen = llGetListLength(Parsed);

    // Create a list of index values to work with.
    list Indices;
    // We start with room for 6 indices.
    integer IndicesLeft = 10;

    integer i;
    string Token;
    integer Clipped;
    integer LastWasEscapeSequence = FALSE;
    // Work from left to right.
    for (i = 0; i < ParsedLen && IndicesLeft > 0; i++) {
        Token = llList2String(Parsed, i);

        // If this is an escape sequence, just set the flag and move on.
        if (Token == ESCAPE_SEQUENCE) {
            LastWasEscapeSequence = TRUE;
        else { // Token != ESCAPE_SEQUENCE
            // Otherwise this is a normal token.  Check its length.
            Clipped = FALSE;
            integer TokenLength = llStringLength(Token);
            // Clip if necessary.
            if (TokenLength > IndicesLeft) {
                Token = llGetSubString(Token, 0, IndicesLeft - 1);
                TokenLength = llStringLength(Token);
                IndicesLeft = 0;
                Clipped = TRUE;
                IndicesLeft -= TokenLength;

            // Was the previous token an escape sequence?
            if (LastWasEscapeSequence) {
                // Yes, the first character is an escape character, the rest are normal.

                // This is the extended character.
                Indices += [llSubStringIndex(EXTENDED_INDEX, llGetSubString(Token, 0, 0)) + 95];

                // These are the normal characters.
                integer j;
                for (j = 1; j < TokenLength; j++)
                    Indices += [llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(Token, j, j))];
            else { // Normal string.
                // Just add the characters normally.
                integer j;
                for (j = 0; j < TokenLength; j++)
                    Indices += [llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(Token, j, j))];

            // Unset this flag, since this was not an escape sequence.
            LastWasEscapeSequence = FALSE;

    // Use the indices to create grid positions.
    vector GridPos1 = GetGridPos( llList2Integer(Indices, 0), llList2Integer(Indices, 1) );
    vector GridPos2 = GetGridPos( llList2Integer(Indices, 2), llList2Integer(Indices, 3) );
    vector GridPos3 = GetGridPos( llList2Integer(Indices, 4), llList2Integer(Indices, 5) );
    vector GridPos4 = GetGridPos( llList2Integer(Indices, 6), llList2Integer(Indices, 7) );
    vector GridPos5 = GetGridPos( llList2Integer(Indices, 8), llList2Integer(Indices, 9) );     

    // Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
    ShowChars(GridPos1, GridPos2, GridPos3, GridPos4, GridPos5);

integer ConvertIndex(integer index) {
    // This converts from an ASCII based index to our indexing scheme.
    if (index >= 32) // ' ' or higher
        index -= 32;
    else { // index < 32
        // Quick bounds check.
        if (index > 15)
            index = 15;

        index += 94; // extended characters

    return index;

default {
    state_entry() {
        // Initialize the character index.

        //llSay(0, "Free Memory: " + (string) llGetFreeMemory());

    link_message(integer sender, integer channel, string data, key id) {
        if (channel == DISPLAY_STRING) {
        if (channel == DISPLAY_EXTENDED) {
        if (channel == gCellChannel) {
            // Extract the characters we are interested in, and use those to render.
            string TextToRender = llGetSubString(data, gCellCharPosition, gCellCharPosition + 9);
            if (gCellUseFading)
               RenderWithEffects( TextToRender );
            else // !gCellUseFading
                RenderString( TextToRender );
        if (channel == REMAP_INDICES) {
            // Parse the message, splitting it up into index values.
            list Parsed = llCSV2List(data);
            integer i;
            // Go through the list and swap each pair of indices.
            for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(Parsed); i += 2) {
                integer Index1 = ConvertIndex( llList2Integer(Parsed, i) );
                integer Index2 = ConvertIndex( llList2Integer(Parsed, i + 1) );

                // Swap these index values.
                string Value1 = llGetSubString(gCharIndex, Index1, Index1);
                string Value2 = llGetSubString(gCharIndex, Index2, Index2);

                gCharIndex = llDeleteSubString(gCharIndex, Index1, Index1);
                gCharIndex = llInsertString(gCharIndex, Index1, Value2);

                gCharIndex = llDeleteSubString(gCharIndex, Index2, Index2);
                gCharIndex = llInsertString(gCharIndex, Index2, Value1);
        if (channel == RESET_INDICES) {
            // Restore the character index back to default settings.
        if (channel == SET_CELL_INFO) {
            // Change the channel we listen to for cell commands, and the
            // starting character position to extract from.
            list Parsed = llCSV2List(data);
            gCellChannel        = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 0);
            gCellCharPosition   = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 1);
           gCellUseFading      = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 2);
           gCellHoldDelay      = (float)   llList2String(Parsed, 3);             
        if (channel == SET_THICKNESS) {
           // Set our z scale to thickness, while staying fixed
           // in position relative the prim below us.
           vector Scale    = llGetScale();
           float Thickness = (float) data;
                      // Reposition only if this isn't the root prim.
           integer ThisLink = llGetLinkNumber();
           if (ThisLink != 0 || ThisLink != 1) {
               // This is not the root prim.
               vector Up = llRot2Up(llGetLocalRot());
               float DistanceToMove = Thickness / 2.0 - Scale.z / 2.0;
               vector Pos = llGetLocalPos();
               llSetPos(Pos + DistanceToMove * Up);
           // Apply the new thickness.
           Scale.z = Thickness;
        if (channel == SET_COLOR) {
           vector newColor = (vector)data;
           llSetColor(newColor, ALL_SIDES);

Comments [Hide comments/form]
There's something wrong with the third pair of letters in in the 10 text script. I first saw it with "(follow", where "lo" disappeared. I did a little testing, and "hihihihi" has the third hi not appear. It doesn't happen all the time, and I'm not sure of the cause. Don't care to fix it, but someone else might, so I'm giving a shout.
-- StickMan (2007-01-21 16:37:01)
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