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LSL Wiki : LibrarySettingsNotecard

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// SampleSettingsReader.lsl
// Written by Konigmann Lippmann
// Thanks to Apotheus Silverman for his MultiItem Vendor...
// It seems like everything I write is based on it in one way or another.

// Default values
integer iShowHoverText = TRUE;
string sHoverTextValue = "No Settings?";
vector vColor = <1.0,0.0,0.0>;

// Globals
integer iNotecardIndex;
integer iNotecardCount;
integer iNoteCardLine;
key kCurrentDataRequest;
string sSettingsNotecard;

integer StringLeftICompare( string sLeftMatch, string sLongString )
    integer iLength;

    iLength = llStringLength( sLeftMatch ) - 1;
    if( llToLower(llGetSubString( sLongString, 0, iLength ) ) == llToLower(sLeftMatch) )
        return( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );

string GetValue( string sString )
    integer iStart;
    string sValue = "";
    string sbValue = "";

    iStart = llSubStringIndex( sString, "=" ) + 1;
    if( iStart )
        sValue = llGetSubString( sString, iStart, llStringLength(sString) - 1 );
        if( sValue )
            sbValue = llToLower( sValue );
            if( sbValue == "true" )
                sValue = "1";
            if( sbValue == "false" )
                sValue = "0";
            return( sValue );
    return( NULL_KEY );

    on_rez( integer param )

        integer iii;
        llSetText( "Initializing...", <0,0.5,0>, 1.0 );

        iNotecardCount = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_NOTECARD );
        iNotecardIndex = 0;
        if( iNotecardCount > iNotecardIndex )
            sSettingsNotecard = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_NOTECARD, iNotecardIndex );
            iNoteCardLine = 0;
            kCurrentDataRequest = llGetNotecardLine( sSettingsNotecard, iNoteCardLine );
        if( iNotecardIndex == 0 )
            llWhisper( 0, "Using Default Values." );
            state run_object;

    dataserver( key kQuery, string sData )
        list lSetting;

        kCurrentDataRequest = "";
        if( sData != EOF )
            // you can string several of these tests for whatever values you may want.

            if( StringLeftICompare( "ShowHoverText=", sData ) )
                iShowHoverText = (integer)GetValue( sData );

            else if( StringLeftICompare( "HoverTextValue=", sData ) )
                sHoverTextValue = (string)GetValue( sData );

            else if( StringLeftICompare( "Color=", sData ) )
                vColor = (vector)GetValue( sData );

            kCurrentDataRequest = llGetNotecardLine( sSettingsNotecard, ++iNoteCardLine );
            if( iNotecardIndex < llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_NOTECARD ) )
                sSettingsNotecard = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_NOTECARD, iNotecardIndex );

                iNoteCardLine = 0;
                llGetNotecardLine( sSettingsNotecard, iNoteCardLine );
                state run_object;

// This is where your actual code would go
state run_object
        if( TRUE == iShowHoverText )
            llSetText( sHoverTextValue, vColor, 1.0 );
            llSetText( "", <0,0,0>, 0.0 );

Here is a sample notecard

HoverTextValue=It has worked!

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It doesnt work....somethings wrong with the last iLength..I can't figure it out...:(
-- AidenProudhon (2006-08-11 14:51:22)
It does work. I've used it countless times and I haven't had any issues with it.
-- DolusNaumova (2006-08-13 07:52:09)
is it possible to make it more universal?
I was going to use it for a admit and banlist so I dont lose my variables when I change the script. I was going to use it like a save function and to reload it later
-- (2007-07-21 10:51:59)
Worked great for my use!
-- (2007-12-08 22:01:58)
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