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LSL Wiki : ExamplellPushObject

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* llPushObject is a function used to shove an avatar a fixed distance or hight, however in a recent update parcels were given an option to restrict push.

When coming up with the velocity to push, the max will be 2147483647. Anything over that will act as 2147483647. In addition, the push will only be as strong as the objects energy will allow, so larger prims will have more energy to push with.
Here is an example for llPushObject on the y axis -
/////A simple script piece that throws an avatar a few hundred meters on the y axis/////
//The 9999999 does not represent meters, its an amount of power
    collision_start(integer total_number)
        llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0), <0,9999999,0>, <0,0,0>, FALSE);

And on the x axis-
    collision_start(integer total_number)
        llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0), <9999999,0,0>, <0,0,0>, FALSE);
And finaly a push upwards-
    collision_start(integer total_number)
        llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0), <0,0,9999999>, <0,0,0>, FALSE);
Note that using llPushObject to grief in inappropriate areas, other users will result in an abuse report being filed. If you want to remove someone from your land, use llEjectFromLand. llPushObject is not to be used for that. Using it for something like a system of tubes or a method of transport would probably be better.

Q: Is there a way to make llPushObject work in areas that restrict push?

A: It is impossible to implement push on a push-restricted parcel. However, you can for artificial pushes by shooting big prims, or spinning prims.
A2: An attachment will still be able to perform llPushObject on it's owner, even in an area that disallows scripts, though in most cases llMoveToTarget would work better. -Oh, good point -Joker~
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