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LSL Wiki : ExampleGetNewInventoryName

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// Function GetNewInventoryName by ZenMondo Wormser
// This function returns a list of the names of 
// inventory items added to an object's inventory
// since the last time the function was called.
// This function works by keeping a list of inventory items
// and comparing against that list as inventory changes.
// NOTE: If items are deleted between calls and nothing is added
// this function will return an empty list.

list gOld_Inventory;    //This stores the Inventory since the last function call.
                        //It is global so it persists between function calls.
                        //It may also be handy to have a list of your object's inventory.

list GetNewInventoryName()
    list found_new = [];  //This list will contain the names of New Inventory items.
    integer inventory_type = INVENTORY_ALL; //Change to look at inventory type you want.
    integer inventory_num = llGetInventoryNumber(inventory_type);
    list new_inventory = []; //This list will contain the current inventory.
    integer counter = 0;
    while(counter < inventory_num)
        new_inventory = (new_inventory=[]) + new_inventory + llGetInventoryName(inventory_type, counter);
            counter ++;
    integer list_length = llGetListLength(new_inventory);
    counter = 0;
    list scratch;
    while(counter < list_length)
        scratch = llList2List(new_inventory, counter, counter);
        if(llListFindList(gOld_Inventory, scratch) == -1) //New Inventory Object
               found_new += llList2String(scratch,0); //Add the name of the new inventory item to the found_new list
        counter ++;
    gOld_Inventory = new_inventory; //Store the Inventory List to be compared the next time the function is called.
    return found_new;   //Return a list of the new inventory items.

        GetNewInventoryName(); //Populate the list on reset.

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        // Example Use in touch_start()
        // Because Multiple Items could have been
        // added between calls we work through 
        // the list that is retunred.
        list new_inv = GetNewInventoryName();
        llSay(0, "New Inventory Items:");
        integer list_len = llGetListLength(new_inv);
        integer counter;
        for(counter = 0; counter < list_len; counter++)
           llSay(0, llList2String(new_inv, counter));
    changed(integer mask)
        // Example Used in changed()
        // This is much simpler, as changed()
        // will be triggered each time something
        // is added to the object's inventory
        // resulting in only one result in the
        // returned list from GetNewInventoryName()
        if(mask & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            list new_inv = GetNewInventoryName();
            llSay(0, "New Inventory Item:" + llList2String(new_inv, 0));

Comments [Hide comments/form]
This should be worked out also for the case in which an inventory item was taken from the inventory,which uses essentially the same function but then replaces the old and new inventory lists.
BTW. Is there a way to find out the key of the avatar that added or deleted items to/from the inventory?
-- HeusDens (2007-08-09 08:07:32)
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